Monday, January 17, 2022

Budgeting My Way To Retirement -Week 2


Sunday morning I spent a big chunk of my day crafting.  I used items I already had on hand to create some Christmas greeting cards which was a ton of fun.


In that same vein I used items I already had on hand to create some delicious, healthy and economical meals for my daughter and I.  I made an Asian beef noodle soup using the bones from our New Year's day prime rib roast to make a delicious broth.  I used up a thick slice of ham I had kept back from our Christmas ham to make an egg and potato breakfast hash for supper one night.  I also made a batch of crack chicken to serve over rice.  While I was cooking I was able to use up odds and ends of condiments and other leftover items we had in the fridge.  We ate up all of the leftovers throughout the week so there was no food waste.


Tuesday I received a rebate check from our auto insurance company for safe driving and no claims.  I also received a packet of coupons in the mail from Fred Meyer which included an offer for a FREE bottle of salad dressing.  Yay!  FREE stuff and money is always appreciated.  I plan to put the rebate check right into savings and use the coupons to offset any future grocery expenses.  I also sold a couple items from my Etsy shop.  I was super excited about that!


The grocery ads weren't tempting me so I opted not to do any shopping this past week.  We'll wait and see how the next ads look and go from there.  Other than a couple produce items my list is currently quite small so I can happily wait to shop.


Saturday I began a relaxing three day weekend in my craft room.  I pulled out all of my Christmas themed paper scraps and made two dozen gift tags to replenish my supply for the next holiday season.  It always feels so good to make something useful, especially using up items that might otherwise have made it into the trash.

Two weeks into the new year and so far, so good.  How was your week?



  1. I wish my car insurance gave rebates!!

  2. Yay on your Etsy sales! I have bookmarked your store so I can browse. Making Christmas cards sounds so fun. I have saved ones we have received for years thinking I'll eventually do something with them.

  3. What a nice week ! Love the gift tags

  4. Great week for you.

    We've been eating from the freezer the last 4days. So far this month I've spent about $30 on food stuffs. :-)

    Wishing you a terrific week!

    1. You and I are tied for food expenses! Have a fabulous week as well! :)


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