Saturday, January 14, 2023

Investment Cooking


A post up on a Saturday?  Why not?  I think I'll be sneaking a few Saturday posts in here and there, just for the heck of it.  And one of the subjects I'll be posting about is what I like to call investment cooking.  It is something I have done for years and as a working mom it was a huge help in getting meals on the table after a hard or busy day.  In retirement it is still helpful so I can still save time but it is also a more efficient way for me to cook and save on electricity.


I don't do as much investment cooking as I once did, but I still do some, just on a much smaller scale.  Where I previously would schedule and spend a day or an afternoon investment cooking I now do smaller batches and spend a couple hours.  It is something I really enjoy doing.


As part of my low spending on groceries I have it in my head that if I can make it myself I don't need to purchase it.  This year, rather than buying bread, I am planning to make it myself along with any other baked goods.  Instead of a bottle of salad dressing (unless it is FREE) I will make my own.  I also make my own frozen pizzas, entrées (like lasagna) and "TV dinners".  I don't purchase a lot of premade items, but still, there is always room for improvement.


Investment cooking helps me make my time and resources count, saves me money and provides me a source of entertainment.  Not to mention some delicious food.  I always have something on hand for a quick meal or an unexpected guest that shows up for dinner.  I'll be posting more on this in the future so keep an eye out for those upcoming Saturday posts.  You just never know when one might pop up.


  1. I will be looking forward to these posts. I also make everything from scratch and batch cook even though it is the two of us. It saves so much time, energy and money in the long run. I love having meals and snacks packed away to pull out when needed. Have a great weekend.

  2. I'm still reading here faithfully, I just mainly use my phone, where I can't log in to comment. I love seeing what you are doing and how you are always thinking ahead!

  3. this inspired me to make extra pizza crusts yesterday to put in the freezer but then my daughter and her family came over later and I had to use them for dinner lol

  4. Love your investment cooking post. Gives ne so many ideas. Ty.

  5. I must have missed something along the way. When did you stop eating keto?


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