Monday, February 13, 2023

My Tireless Retirement - Week 45


Hello there!  How are you doing?!  I've been working on a lot of little projects around the house and I find I easily lose track of time and what day it is.  The hazards of retirement I suppose.  Ha, ha, ha.


More stuff I am saying goodbye to

I went back through my collection of cookies cutters, picked out
my favorites and I am letting these go

After a successful declutter in both December and January, guess what?  I printed off my checklist again and I have started over.  I figured, why not?  Let's see what else I can come up with.  I was surprised to remove two more large bags of items I no longer want, like or need so is it possible I can come up with another bag?  I think it is.  I will keep you posted on how that goes.


Check out my kitchen freezer!  I've made some serious progress 😁

I mostly ate leftovers from the week before

Frenchbread pizza made using up leftover items I had in the freezer

In my kitchen freezer I had some one pound packages of markdown ground turkey I had scored last summer for only 79¢ each.  You know I wasn't going to pass that bargain up and I bought quite a few.  I had used a some of them in the past few months for seasoned taco meat and one pound just the week before last in a meatloaf, but I still had two left that needed something done with them.  I decided to continue with "Canuary" and I made some taco soup.  I had dried beans in the pantry, a bag of frozen corn in the chest freezer and some canned tomatoes.  Plus I had just redone the spice cabinet so I had some extra chili powder and a packet of taco seasoning to use up.  It just made sense to do it!  More quick and easy meal options to keep on the shelf.


All of my jars lined up with beans soaking in them

I cooked this pot roast dinner in my slow cooker last week

In my campaign to use things up I have finished up quite a few little dribs and drabs of things that have been hanging around my house.  I used up the last of a bottle of Fabuloso by mixing it with water and filling up the spray bottle I used for cleaning.  I also finished up a bottle of pancake syrup, a bottle hand lotion, a bottle of shower gel one of my daughters left behind and a little bit of goo gone that had been hanging out under my kitchen sink for quite some time.  Nothing is going to waste and all of the empty containers ended up in the recycle bin too.  I'm currently working on a couple more bottles of hand lotion I have sitting upside down, the last of both a bottle of shampoo and conditioner as well as a small three ounce bottle of shower gel from Bath & Body Works.


I finished up this bottle of shower gel

Used up the last of this Goo Gone
I decided I am not going to replace it because I have other things I can use

Last week I mentioned I'm just not a fan of lentils and I am really done trying to figure out ways to make them palatable.  So I gathered up all of the lentils I had in the pantry and cooked them to give to my chickens and guess what?  They don't like them either.  That pretty much told me all I needed to know.  Into the compost bin they went.  Sorry about that chickies.  I made it up to them, no worries.  I emptied a trash can full of leaves I raked up last fall into their coop and they are having a ball with them.  They will have them mulched down in no time.


Used up this bottle of hand lotion

Finished the syrup

Not too much exciting going on around here.  How about you?  Any projects you are working on?




  1. I am making numerous reviews of my pantry and freezer and taking items to the local food pantry. Also have gone through my house in the past month and made piles for goodwill. Progress! Next few weeks are dedicated to cleaning out the garage ;). Congratulations on your freezer being almost empty, that is a lovely sight. I have a small chest freezer that needs to be emptied out, that is this springs plan! Hilogene in Az

    1. You are making great progress. I'm still working on my garage too.

  2. Hi, greetins from Poland! I read your blog for several weeks and enjoy it very much😊 Wish you all the best! i.

  3. Too funny about the lentils and the chickens. Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like lentils. Great job using up things.

  4. I decluttered my bedroom closet, walk in closet. I ended up with a full trash bag of things to get rid of. From purses I have not used in years, ties from my husband he literally has not worn in 20 years to old stained tshirts, etc. I then deep cleaned it, and plan on keeping it this way!


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