Monday, July 17, 2023

My Tireless Retirement - Week 67


Hello, hello, hello!  Our summer weather has definitely arrived, but so far not too hot to be overly uncomfortable.  I’m enjoying the sunshine and warmer weather.  We did have a couple days near the 100° mark, but the mornings here have been amazing.  I’ve been able to open up my doors and windows each day and let some cool fresh air in.  Then I closed everything up and it was usually late afternoon before I felt the need to turn on the AC upstairs to maintain a comfortable temperature indoors.


I splurged and ordered a timer from Amazon to control when it runs

I was able to get a project crossed off the list.  The new pump I bought last summer for the pond died last fall and I had picked up a replacement for it about a month ago.  I’ve had plenty of projects and tasks on my plate so it was simply a matter of time before I was able to get to this one.  I spent some time one morning cleaning out the pond again as our crazy weather had messed it up and installed the new pump.  When I was done I planted a couple sedums along the back of the pond area which were actually extras that I’d found in the little pots of the ones I’d purchased before for my flowerbeds.  Free plants!  Now my little froggy is just a spitting away, I have a couple new plants nearby and I absolutely love it!  It’s the little things in life that truly bring me joy.


Quilted Christmas journal covers

My warmer afternoons were spent doing some paper crafts and a little bit of sewing for various projects I’ve been working on.  I’ve really enjoyed using my die cutter lately to make lots of different floral and fall ephemera pieces.  And time spent in my “new sewing area” is always lovely.  I made a couple quilted Christmas journal covers and was so happy with how they turned out.  I also made a few others in various themes.


I made this one too. 😽

With the warmer weather I spent more time watering the garden as well as making sure my hens had some damp dirt to dust in and cool off.  I also made sure they had plenty of cool water to drink throughout the day.  I got my first harvest of cherry tomatoes last week however, they never even made it into the house.  They were sure tasty though!  I also harvested some beautiful zucchinis.  I’m growing food you guys!  I’m so excited!


I already ate one of these!

At the end of the week I received a new bundle of joy in the mail in the form of a new doll I had ordered.  The main reason I bought her is to use her as a model for some upcoming projects I have in the works.  She is so stinking cute!  Better than I was expecting.  To be honest I was a bit nervous about this purchase, however she is going to be the perfect model.  


Every time I look at her I chuckle.  She has such a sweet face.


I knitted her this little hat, mainly to see if I still knew how 😂
I'm definitely a little rusty

So that was pretty much the sum of my week.  We have hotter temperatures on the horizon so my plan is to hunker down and stay cool while I sew and craft my little heart out.  What are you doing to beat the heat where you live?



  1. Awwwah...the doll is adorable..And the little hat is so stinking cute.
    Girl... I think you can do everything. You are talented ..
    So fun to spend time in craft and sewing room. I have a new great granddaughter
    And I am making dresses for her and embroidering on them. So fun.
    Happy sewing and crafting.
    Enjoy your veggies.

    1. Congratulations Great Grandma! I made a baby nightie yesterday. Baby clothes are so much fun to make. Enjoy your new little one and making her clothes.

  2. There's not much I can do to beat the heat...although it helps a lot to have a cooler right by my desk -- and we keep the windows shaded during the day in the fifth-wheel. I am trying to figure out a way to put in a temporary soaking pool right now, too, to help us and Ruby the dog, with her thick coat, poor thing.

    Saw this and thought of you:

    1. Can you imagine how exciting that day was? Now I want to go to Disneyland.


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