Friday, July 7, 2023

Purging & Organization - Craft Supplies


I’ve been doing a lot of crafting lately.  During my big winter purge I gave away my old crafting center.  It was something I’d purchased off of Facebook Marketplace for $25 and sadly it wasn’t working out very well.  It wasn’t quite deep enough to hold what I needed it to and it also wasn’t very sturdy.  The shelves were bowing and subsequently the whole thing racked itself out of square so the cabinet doors had trouble opening and closing.  I needed to do something different.


I don't do well with crap sitting everywhere

In the meantime I packed all of my craft supplies into sturdy banker boxes with good fitting lids and handles on the sides to help me move them around easier.  This worked for the interim but I knew it wouldn’t be a good solution long term and it proved me right.  Trying to craft out of boxes isn’t easy.  I ended up digging through them and spreading everything out so I knew what I had and where it was and that made a mess.  If you know anything about me I don’t do well with messes.


I was so nervous about this working out

I had some little drawer units that worked well for storing my little bits and pieces but even they were to small and not sturdy enough to hold the weight of the items inside.  I ended up putting all of those things into Ziploc bags and donating the drawer sets to the thrift store.  While doing all of this shifting and such I did donate and give away quite a bit of stuff I knew I did not need to hold onto.


Super easy to put together & I really like that it has wheels

Through trial and error I thought I figured out a storage solution that might work, but I’ll be really honest.  I was anxious about making this purchase because I feared it might not work and I’d waste my money, but after a couple of weeks with this thing sitting in my Amazon wishlist I decided to go head and put it in my cart and hit the checkout button.


I'd done a good job purging my stuff, none of these drawers are anywhere close to full
Even still I found two boxes of colored pencils and a couple glue sticks to get rid of

A proper place to keep my die cutting machine

I am happy to report this is working out really well for me so far.  Paper crafting involves a lot of odds and ends, tools, stamps, dies, embossing folders, scissors, punches and so forth.  It also creates a lot of scraps that are usable for future projects.  Being able to contain these things into a craft cart that has casters so I can move it is now allowing me to access my things as I need to and with far less mess than I’ve ever had.  I’m so relieved to finally have a good system in place I cannot tell you.  I’m also enjoying my crafting a lot more too.


This makes me happy 😊

Sometimes you do have to try a few things before you figure out what will really work and sometimes that means you may have to spend some money and that some of that money will get wasted.  However, my first attempts to organize my craft supplies have gone on to bless someone else, so it really wasn’t wasted.  And if all goes well I may be able to sell some of my creations soon and recoup some of my losses.  I hope so anyway.



  1. Nice cart--looks like it really suits your needs. I'll bet it will even fit into that newly redone utility closet when you want it out of sight! :^) :^)

  2. A good reminder that trying out a new way isn't really a waste. I often get stuck at that point. I want to find the perfect solution but not over spend. So I don't do anything. This post has me rethinking what I need to do to make crafting more fun.

    1. Very true. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. ;)

  3. Love the cabinet. Im trying to figure out a goid setup fir my sewing stuff. I have TOO much. 😆


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