Friday, February 9, 2024

My Meal Planning Strategy


When coming up with this year’s grocery budget I did a lot of plotting and planning first.  I’m trying some new things to not only help me stay within my budget, but also curb food waste.  In the process I also need to come up with healthy and delicious meals all while making sure I don’t deplete my resources.  All tall order to be sure, hence the plotting and planning.


Korean beef with rice & stir fried vegetables

As a household of one, occasionally two, I no longer need to cook up big family style meals.  With my current lifestyle and schedule I also find my meal times can become a little erratic simply based on what I happened to be doing each day.  I only really need to plan one good meal a day and then have a small supply of healthy snacks or brunch items at the ready.  Most days I’m good to go with only one healthy meal per day, while others I’m a little hungrier and will have two meals or just one and a good snack before or after.  It just depends on how I’m feeling and how much activity I have going on in any particular day.  Right now no two days are alike so having flexible options is a good idea.


Home canned soup with a little cornbread muffin

Despite the fact that I’m a one person household I’m cooking meals as if there were four.  Most recipes accommodate that anyway so I’m going with it.  I will make a meal and divide it in half.  One half then goes into the freezer to be eaten within the next couple of weeks while the other half is divided into two meals to be eaten right away.


Two meal portions ready for the freezer

Currently I am cooking two meals per week and enjoying a hot soup and salad meal in between.  For instance, I made Korean beef, put half of it into the freezer and ate one portion.  The next day I ate a bowl of soup with a cornbread muffin and a small green salad, the next day I had the leftover portion of Korean beef and then the next day I ate soup, muffin and salad again.  The following day I prepared another meal for four, put away half of it in the freezer and repeated the same pattern.  I hope this makes sense.


Leftovers pulled from the freezer to thaw for the week ahead
This plan saves me a lot of time spent cooking as well

Every two weeks I am pulling out frozen leftovers to thaw and reheat.  In between those meals I’m eating a soup, bread and salad meal.  Throughout the month of January this worked out amazingly well.  The soups were varied enough that I felt like I was getting plenty of variety and because I was freezing leftovers I didn’t get tired of those.  I’m also pulling things out of the freezer sooner than I used to so these leftovers taste better and much fresher by only sitting in there for no more than two weeks at a time.


Quite often I heat up my soups in my little slow cooker

What I consider to be a soup is not just your average broth based soups but also stews and chilis.  Some are heartier which is really nice on a cold winter day, but if I’m not particularly hungry I might choose a lighter soup such as turkey vegetable or egg drop.  This is where having a good supply of home canned soups on the shelf comes into play.  Preparing fresh salads to go with these soup meals helps me to make sure I used up my produce on a regular basis.


Cream of broccoli soup
Some soups are cooked from scratch and can be canned or frozen

Last month I baked a recipe of cornbread into twelve muffins.  I kept out four of them for my soup meals that week and froze the remainder.  The following weeks every time I made a soup meal I’d just remove one muffin and spin it in the microwave for thirty seconds and it was nice and warm, ready for butter and the perfect accompaniment to my soup and salad.  In the future I will be doing this with biscuits and dinner rolls.  These breads don’t sit in the freezer too long and become stale or freezer burnt which is my goal to keep them tasty and fresh.  And handy!


One of the meals I made last month was a sausage & vegetable quiche
I'm keeping my meals very basic and simple

By inserting a soup and salad meal in between a regular meal I’m able to save some money on my grocery bill.  I’m efficiently using what I have on hand as well as using up leftovers and controlling potential food waste.  I’m keeping a good variety in my menu plan and I’m making sure I’m boosting the nutrition level.  Most importantly, I’m looking forward to these meals and leaving the table very satisfied and that is what I call a successful meal plan.



  1. Also a family of one and sometimes meals for two I love this idea of meal rotation. Thanks for this informative post - I'm going to eat more soups and salads in between my leftovers! Lynne F

  2. My mother used to make something called Friday Soup - nothing more than dibs and dabs of leftovers from the week with broth or stock, maybe some added veg or noodles. She was a child of the Depression and very thrifty!

  3. What a great system! What I started in January was to aim for a sandwich for lunch and a nice salad at dinner with either soup or an entreé if I felt like cooking. Before I froze my breads for sandwiches I separated the slices with pieces of wax paper to make retrieving them from the freezer easier. I divided up my sandwich spreads into the appropriate portion size & froze that and chopped/prepared fresh veggies for the fridge. I don't eat meat so my sandwiches are variations of something meatless like hummus as a spread. Since I had my veggies already prepped, a salad at night was easy to throw together. If I had time that day I made a new soup but if I didn't I used one out of the freezer. To keep things interesting I tried to find a recipe every week I wanted to try using what's in my pantry and I'd have that instead of soup (freezing the leftovers). February found me NOT doing that for various reasons but I will probably begin again next week. I liked having a bit of a plan. Lunch rolled around I knew it was going to be a sandwich. If I was super busy/tired I knew dinner could be soup & salad.

  4. I rarely make soup. I live in Texas and only make soup on those really cold days. I’m going to try making soup once a week. Thank you for outside the box thinking and the family think will really like this too. -Rosa R

  5. This is a brilliant plan! It really takes the what am I gonna make for dinner problem and squares it away.
    May God bless you!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage


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