Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Retirement Means Different Things To Different People


How we choose to live our lives in retirement differs greatly.  Retirement means different things to different people.  Some choose to travel the world and see the sights while others simply want to be at home, watching TV and crocheting afghans.  Others do a lot of socializing with friends, visit their relatives, eat out at restaurants and have a lot of get-togethers.  Some retirees want to remain active, climb mountains, go skiing, kayak lakes and rivers.  A lot of them like to volunteer and may have a part time job, or even two.  I know a gentleman that recently took a full time job simply because he was bored and wanted a change of pace.  He still considers himself retired.


I have a lot of different interests, probably too many of them to be honest, but that’s okay.  We can do whatever we want.  We’ve worked hard and earned that place in our lives.  We can also change our minds, anytime we want, and that is completely okay too.  What I want to do today may not interest me tomorrow or I may just want to do something else entirely.  The important thing is that we do what we want and we make our retirement life our own regardless of what others may think.


It is funny because I have a relative who thinks I do way too much stuff and tries to tell me on pretty regular basis how she thinks I should be doing things.  Yeah, that isn’t happening.  I’m just not wired to be content living like a couch potato.  Someone else told me I’m not retired since I have a job, I’m actually semi retired.  Really?  I just laughed.


If you are retired, or planning to retire soon, my advice to you is to create the best and most fulfilling life you can and to do it your way.  Don’t allow others to define what retirement is or how you should live your retired life.  Do it your way and enjoy every moment of it you can.  I’m here to tell you, retirement is pretty awesome.



  1. I think you are probably the happiest retired person I know! There is so much wisdom in the way you work, play, keep your pets healthy and happy, and continually polish up your home.
    Not to be smarmy or anything, but the way you live is admirable!

  2. You're right - retirement is awesome! I retired from the Air Force in 1999. I planned ahead financially so I wouldn't have to work if I chose not to work. I chose to enjoy life unencumbered by a "real" job. During my 20 plus years of retirement, DH and I have traveled to all 50 states. I expanded my hobbies to include rug hooking, quilting and painting. Granted, we don't have a million dollars in our bank account, but we do what we want, when we want and thoroughly enjoy life.

  3. I agree, everyone has to live their life according to what is important to them. Everyone is different. You've carved out a pretty great system for yourself. You just keep doing you!

  4. I subscribe to the concept of FI(RE). The FI part being financial independence. The second (optional) part is retiring early. So, I'm currently both, but will very likely look for future paid employment. Not because I need to, because I'm largely Financially Independent, but because I want to try out other careers & types of employment. I worked in tech for 27+ years, and have always wanted to try new things. So, for me, retirement is about having the financial ability to pursue a number of different paths.

    (Hawaii Planner)

    1. Isn't it nice that we get to work for fun and to try new things rather than to earn a living? FI and RE is amazing!

  5. For me, retirement will only mean I'm no longer an xray tech. I fully expect to spend my days doing something to engage with the world at large, and probably earn a few bucks doing it. And I will have more time to discover hobbies! For now, I love the interactions and satisfaction from my job, so I'm going no where just yet.


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