Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Doing Things Alone


In retirement many of us are on our own and going it alone, whether it was planned that way or not.  Even those that are coupled will find themselves going in different directions at times and just wanting to do their own thing.  Not every moment needs to be spent together, nor do we need to only go out and do things with our friends.  It is completely okay to head out solo.  In fact, I think it is healthy.


One of the things I enjoy about doing things on my own is that I don’t have to worry about someone else having a good time.  I can go to the movies or attend a performance or event and thoroughly enjoy myself without any concern.  I can go at my own pace without a thought of holding someone up because I’m going too slow and likewise that I’m rushing someone because I am moving too fast.


Doing things and going places by myself is also quite empowering.  I can make my own plans and pretty much do as I please without judgment or feeling like I might not be living up to another’s expectations.  I’m only living up to my own.  The more I do on my own I find I not only enjoy what I am doing, but it propels me forward and makes me want to do even more.  As time goes on I just find I prefer my own company in most cases.  Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy spending time with my family and friends and eagerly look forward to doing so.  But, I’m also quite fine doing things on my own as well.  

Do you do many things on your own?  If so, what are some of your favorite activities?



  1. I am my own best company! There really isn't much I won't do on my own. Movies, plays, meals out, a wandering day in NYC. When I was younger I travelled for work on my own often, so learned to eat at restaurants alone. I also think your energy is different when you're alone - in 4 hours in the city last week, I had a half dozen interesting interactions with strangers.

  2. Even though my husband and I have been together almost 40 years we've always taken time to ourselves. I think it is healthy for a marriage. I have no problem dining out alone or going to any activities alone. Like you, I love spending time with my family and friends but I need time to recharge on my own also.

  3. I pretty much go everywhere alone since Hubby passed - movies, eating, errands, etc. I have no problem with it, but I find I love being a homebody just as much. Most of all, I do not want to be held responsible for anyone else having a good time!

    1. I'm the same way. I don't want that responsibility either. LOL

  4. Spending time alone recharges me. I cherish my alone time.

  5. I often read alone...then again, you go somewhere else when you read, anyways. But a great book, warm blanket and a cup of hot, steaming coffee on a rainy or snowy day is a huge pleasure.
    I've been reading past posts on your THRIFTY MOM site, and came across a mention of your grandma's sultana cakes. Could you give the recipe, and explain the name? These sound like a great bake-and-freeze-ahead goodie for the holidays...

    1. That would be a fun post for the holidays. Thanks for the idea!


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