Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Are You Worried?


With the upcoming election, countries at war as well as civil unrest, inflation and rising consumer debt, skyrocketing housing costs, not to mention our own government’s financial deficits I have heard many people state that they are worried about the future and where we are currently headed.  Some are really scared.  Are you worried as well?


I personally am not.  I have reconciled myself to the fact that in the grand scheme of things I have very little to no control over what is to happen.  I just don’t.  The future is completely unknown and it has always been that way.  If you look back in time every decade has given us something to worry about.  Every.  Single.  One.  Some country has always been at war at some point in time.  Crimes are being committed.  People are not very nice to one another on a regular basis.  We face the unexpected event or circumstance.  It’s life.


Worrying myself silly isn’t going to help anything, nor is it going to change anything.  Worry isn’t helpful.  All I can do is be the best human being I am capable of being.  Do the best I can to take care of myself.  Prepare as much as I can for “what if”.  Help others as I am able.  Pray.  A lot.  At the end of the day I have to lay my fears and worries at His feet.  He knows what is best for me and will guide me in the right direction.  I truly believe that.


Do pay attention to your instincts.  If your spidey senses are tingling or your gut tells you it might be wise to do something like pay off debt, stock up your pantry, buy some toilet paper, repair or replace something you’ve been putting off, then by all means do that.  Add to your emergency fund or if you don’t have one perhaps now is the time to establish one.  Those are the things we can control.


And remember, as long as we have enough TP
everything will be just fine 😄

Be positive, be helpful, be supportive and be prepared, but don’t isolate yourself or lose sleep worrying over what might happen.  In most cases what we fear and worry about most of the time never comes to pass anyway.  And if it does and you’ve done all that you can to prepare, then we just have to learn to live with it, just as our ancestors had to do too.  And know, that together we can get through anything.



  1. I’m not worried. Jesus tells us not to worry and for good reason. When we worry we take our eyes off Jesus. I’m as ready as I can be for whatever should happen. Meanwhile continue trusting God.
    Good post! God bless.

  2. I’m not sure worried is the correct word but definitely concerned. Today I bought extra alcohol pads because they were non existent during CV. I’ve also stocked some cold/flu meds for the fall and winter.

  3. Not worried here either, what happens , happens and I certainly can’t control it. Just continue taking care of my home, my hubby and my fur babies as they are all that’s important.


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