Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Meal Prepping From The Pantry - #2


One of the best things about meal prepping is that it helps me to use up those random items that end up taking up residence in the pantry, refrigerator or freezer.  I’m able to collect those items together in a bin and make sure I incorporate them into meals so they don’t go to waste.


I had a handful of home canned jars of meats that I wanted to make sure I got used up and a boxed rice pilaf mix that had been hanging out for a while.  One day I grabbed a jar of pork roast and that box of rice pilaf which I prepared with an extra quarter cup of white rice and a bouillon cube to add some extra flavor to the water I used to cook the rice. After heating up the jar of pork roast I was able to put together a quick meal that ended up making five servings which I divided up amongst three of my food storage containers.


I had extra eggs on hand so I scrambled up half a dozen of them along with a few strips of bacon I had diced and fried up nice and crisp.  With some salsa, grated cheddar cheese and flour tortillas I made breakfast burritos with the eggs and bacon mixture and put them away into the freezer.  I will occasionally have breakfast for dinner so these will come in pretty handy for a quick meal after a busy day.


Since I was already in burrito mode I decided to cook a cup of black beans in my slow cooker.  Half went into a freezer container to use later and were frozen.  The rest were used in my meal prep.  I went ahead and heated up a jar of pork verde (my last older jar, yay!) and made some rice which I used along with the black beans as well as more cheddar cheese and tortillas to make restaurant style pork verde burritos.  They are so good!


It didn’t take me very long at all to put the rice meals and burritos together and once I was done I had several more meal options to add to the freezer.



  1. I love that feeling on Friday, as I am prepping my meals for the next three days, as I am using up food that won't go to waste. It flexes my creativity muscle!


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