Saturday, August 31, 2024

My Tireless Retirement – Week 126


I was a super busy girl this past week and I got a ton accomplished!  It always feels so good to make progress and cross “to do” items off of your list and I was able to do exactly that.  I worked hard each day and slept like a rock each night.  It was amazing!


My canning projects continued throughout the week.  I even made ketchup, something I’ve never done before, and it actually tasted like ketchup.  Once it has sat for a couple of weeks I’ll taste it and report back on what I think.


My next door neighbor’s row of ten foot hedges were encroaching on the driveway once again so trimming those back and closer to the property line was on my list, but I needed cooler weather in order to safely get this accomplished.  Fortunately the cooler temperatures last week allowed me to get this done.  Finally!


Along with trimming hedges I was able to get outside and do some yard work.  I picked loads of tomatoes and pears.  I even shared some of my homegrown produce with my neighbors.  The hot weather this summer had littered the yard with leaves, twigs, sticks and debris so I worked on cleaning that up.  I even called an arborist to come out and evaluate my big trees and give me an estimate on some pruning and possibly removing a couple that aren’t doing too well.


Meals I Prepared: 

I made a small pan of enchiladas which provided me with four meals last week.  I also took some odds and ends of leftovers – black beans, rice and some salsa – and made burrito bowls.  Green salad was my side dish of choice.  I opened a small can of deviled ham and made ham salad for a couple of sandwiches.


I pulled the other loaf of raisin nut loaf out of the freezer to slice and enjoy with fresh fruit and my coffee for quick brunches before I headed out the door to work.  I also enjoyed the homemade yogurt I made the previous week.


On the way to work one day I stopped off at the hazardous waste drop off site and unloaded that box of paints I had decluttered from my garage a couple weeks ago.  I also dropped off the glass recycling into the large collection bin at the same site while I was at it.  It felt really good to get rid of that stuff.


I started another project, but I’m going to wait until I get it all finished and then I will share it with you in next week’s post.  I’m super excited about getting this one done and how much it will make my life better on a daily basis.


I hope you had a great week and I wish you all the best.  Anyone have big plans for this three day Labor Day weekend?  I do!



  1. (Little Penpen) Those are some big trees you had to trim . Wouldn’t it be nice if the neighbor trimmed those or paid someone to keep them out of your way? They make great privacy hedge, though. You are a busy little girl!

    1. On the issue of his trees I just have to pick and choose my battles. Neither he or his annual trimming crew are willing to shave them back toward the property line. I'm just not willing to fight it.

  2. Meals you are making look great. My hubby and I have decided that we are better cooks than most restaurants, and much cheaper also. I have been making freezer jam this week for the first time. Very satisfactory. Look forward to your posts.

    1. Thank you Cheryl. I feel exactly the same way, I cook better and healthier food than what a restaurant serves so I'm quite happy to stay home and eat my own cuisine.


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