Monday, August 26, 2024

Vintage Cookery - Tomato Sauce


About a week ago I filled up my largest slow cooker with whole roma tomatoes from my garden.  I decided to try a recipe from my vintage WWII cookbook.  It turned out pretty darn good and I will likely be using this recipe from now on whenever I make my and can tomato sauce.


It is simple and perfect for small batch canning like I prefer to do.  Plus by adding a lemon juice to each of my canning jars I can use my water bath canner to process the jars.  You could also just freeze this sauce in plastic containers.


I used my immersion blender to make
the tomatoes into a smooth sauce

I processed my sauce in both pint and half pint sized jars because I like to have both sizes on hand depending on what I am making.  I find the half pint jars especially useful for making sauce for pizza, tomato soup and adding into recipes that use a small can of sauce.


With the rising prices of tomato products these days I find making my own not only allows me to save money, but I know exactly what is inside my jars.  No preservatives, additives or any other unnatural things I don’t want added to my food.


  1. I also like that you can control the salt and other seasonings. I used to make my own marinara and freeze it. I still make my own enchilada sauce which is easy peasey. Now that I have lots of room in my freezer, I should go get some small jars. OR, maybe I will can some for my pantry...

  2. (Little Penpen) Those jars sure look pretty! Did you peel your tomatoes first? I’m new to canning, and would like to try this.

    1. I don't peel my tomatoes. By the time I'm done cooking them down and then hit them with the immersion blender you can't tell they are in there.


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