Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Meal Prepping From The Pantry - #4


Last week I did a mini prep and was able to have meals ready for a busy week ahead.  I started out by going through what I already had prepared in my kitchen freezer and pulled out a small baking dish of enchiladas to thaw and “bake” in the microwave.  It had two servings in it and was perfect to take to work.  I also pulled out a container of navy beans, a package of rotisserie chicken pieces, some frozen peas & carrots and what remained of a bag of frozen shrimp.


This chili was so good! 😋

Next I went through the refrigerator and pulled out an onion, some chile verde leftover from one of my canning projects and a little bit of grated cheese.  I used some of the cheese to top the frozen enchiladas and that made that meal done and ready to go.  In my smallest slow cooker I combined the beans, chile verde and the chicken pieces to make a white chicken chili.  I let that cook on high all afternoon.  When it was done I ladled up a bowlful and topped it with a bit of cheese and it was delicious!


A double batch of rice

Some for the freezer

While the chili did its thing in the slow cooker I made a double batch of rice cooking two cups of long grain rice, half of which I divided up into freezer containers for future use.  The rest was used to make a batch of shrimp fried rice.  I chopped up half of an onion, scramble up four eggs and rinsed and peeled the shrimp which I cut into bit size pieces.  

I stir fried the shrimp and onion in some bacon fat and a little bit of olive oil.  Once done I added in the peas & carrots and cooked until they were warmed through.  I scrambled up the egg in the pan next and then added the rice.  After seasoning it with some soy sauce it was done.  I divided it up into containers to cool and eat later.


I also added some green onions I had grown

Better than a restaurant!

From the pantry I pulled out a jar of my homemade and home canned split pea soup for a quick meal to enjoy in between the fried rice, enchiladas and chicken chili.  Super quick and easy and I had all of my meals for the week all lined out and prepared.


1 comment:

  1. I love this!

    I hope to get to that point. For now I'm starting small. Last week and this week I figured out by looking in my fridge what one meal I could make ahead for dinner.


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