Friday, September 27, 2024

This Month's 2024 Extreme Budget Grocery Spending – September


After a stellar August and a lot of home canning I began this month in pretty good shape.  I had a little bit of money left last month to rollover and add to my budget and a list of items to work on for the LTFS.  My bumper crop of tomatoes was still producing and my fruit trees were loaded with pears and apples.


In my crisper drawer I still had the better part of a two pound bag of carrots, half a large onion, two pounds of potatoes, a small pickling cucumber and my fresh homegrown garlic.  I stopped into Winco one evening on my way home from work for a head of iceberg lettuce and a couple onions as well as some cilantro and two extra cans of green chiles for a canning project and a package of tortillas.


Fred Meyer had some good sales on items I wanted to add to my freezer and LTFS.  A ten pack of pork loin chops was on for $10 and low and behold when I went to the meat department to pick some up there was a package on markdown for only $4.50!  I snapped those up!  Mayonnaise and mustards were also on the list and on sale so I picked those up as well as a bag of oranges, also on markdown, and four nectarines on sale for 99¢ a pound.  They were delicious!


At Costco I picked up a five pound package of cheddar jack cheese (remarkably I was completely out of cheese) which I divided up into sandwich size Ziploc bags and put away into the freezer.  I also grabbed a carton of cream for my coffees that I like to make.  That pretty much used up the bulk of my monthly budget, but it also held me quite nicely for the first three weeks of the month.


Near the end of the month I picked up three pounds of thick sliced bacon on sale for $10 at Fred Meyer and that pretty much took care of the last of my budget with only $1.90 left to rollover and add to next month’s budget.  I spent a total of $61.17 on food and $5.97 on non food items which was for two boxes of canning lids.  My list may not be long this month, but I think it is still pretty darn impressive.



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