Saturday, November 23, 2024

My Tireless Retirement – Week 138


Hello my friends!  I began this week by slowing down a little bit and spending time reflecting on this year and planning ahead for the upcoming new year.  I worked on my 2025 day planner I am making, which I have a lot of fun doing, and updating spreadsheets as well as some of my “to do” lists.  I also put some thought into a few goals I may want to set and accomplish.  Mostly, I enjoyed playing with papers, stickers, washi tapes and colored pens.  I still enjoy arts and crafts!


Last of my garden tomatoes cooked down into sauce

Sunday morning I pulled the bag with the last of my garden tomatoes out of the freezer and put them in the slow cooker to cook all day.  I used my immersion blender to make then into a crushed tomato consistency and then once they had cooked down and thickened I allowed them to cool before placing them into freezer containers, labeling them and tucking away in the freezer for future meals and meal prepping.  While I was puttering around the house that day it began to snow!  Winter has definitely arrived.


The BFF was here for a visit so I spent a few days last week just hanging out.  We didn’t do much, but we ate well and drank some really good wine.  I worked some short shifts on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 3½ hours each, and on the way home Wednesday I stopped into Trader Joes to pick up a couple bottles, a white and a red, for Thanksgiving dinner.  Can you believe that is this coming Thursday?


This will do it!

I had all day this past Thursday off so we ran a few errands.  We stopped in at Costco to pick up a couple rotisserie chickens and I found two good sized ones.  Once we got home I put the chickens into a baking dish and allowed them to cool, then I wrapped them in plastic wrap and set them into the freezer.  This is what I plan to serve for Thanksgiving along with all the trimmings and yes, I saved all the drippings in the bottom of the bags to add to my gravy.  It was so hard not to sneak a taste of those chickens, I will admit.  They smelled so darn good.



It was rainy and stormy all day so the rest of the day all we did was sit around, eat leftovers, enjoy a glass of wine and watch TV.  It has been a bit since I just sat around and goofed off so it was a good time.  It was a perfect week.  How was yours?



  1. You day off sounds great - especially the part about wine and relaxing. (: I had a great week, too, and am looking forward to another one this week. Happy Thanksgiving in advance!


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