Saturday, January 25, 2025

My Tireless Retirement – Week 147


Well this past week turned out a bit different than anything I had planned for, that’s for sure.  It started on Friday when a dear sweet friend told me she was selling her niece’s car for her and did I know someone who might be interested?  She told me all about it and its history and the more she talked the more it piqued my interest.  I told her maybe I’d be interested in it so she went and got it and we took a test drive and looked it all over.  It is a beautiful car and is in really great shape with one mechanical issue that is known and a couple little dings in the front fenders where her niece hand bumped into something.  The headlights are foggy and it is absolutely filthy, which I’d been warned about before the test drive.  When I told her I thought I might like to purchase it she said “Good! $1000 and it’s yours”.  Huh?  No way!  Just, you wait and see what I did.  I can hardly wait to share the full story with you.  Stay tuned!


On Saturday I spent the day with another friend and we got started on giving her master bathroom a facelift.  I had gone over there before Christmas to take care of a drywall repair she needed done in there and then it was up to her to pick up some primer, choose a wall color and get some paint.  When I got there she decided she didn’t like the trim in there so we removed all of that and then got to painting.  We also removed the old dated 1970s light fixture and that required a bit more drywall repair so I got that done as well.  She took me out for an early dinner and then we headed over to Lowes where she had found a light fixture she really liked.  We got that along with a new rocker light switch and an outlet.  I got the little drywall repair sanded and primed and the painting finished.  Next was to install the new light fixture, switch and outlet.  It is really starting to look good.


Monday I ended up hopping on the bus and then walking over to my other friend’s house to pay for and pick up the item I mentioned at the beginning of this post.  I then drove it home and parked it, set an appointment up with the DMV to get it registered and then called my insurance agent to add it to my auto policy.  Then outside with a bucket of hot soapy water and my detailing supplies to give it the first of many baths to come despite it being only 32° outside.  To give you some perspective on the filthy aspect of this purchase think horse barn.  This vehicle was used as the previous owner’s barn car – mud, hay, dirt, debris…. horse poop?  And it smelled like a barn too.


Tuesday I ran a few errands and did all the DMV and insurance stuff, then I ran the car over to my mechanic to have it looked at and was thrilled when I found out that the “mechanical issue” was exactly what I had suspected and we got that taken care of in less than an hour.  And!  Because I have been a loyal customer over the years he didn’t even charge me.  I was thrilled!  More info on that little issue to come, along with the rest of the story.


I worked a few hours Wednesday and a few more hours on Thursday.  Thursday I led an activity where I took seniors out to dinner and to the theater for a live performance of Hallelujah Girls.  Everyone had a nice time as did I.  And that brought my busy little week to a close.


My Weekly Challenge – Plan A Vacation 

How Did I Do?  Plans are in the works and I am super excited about another solo travel trip this summer.  I can hardly wait.


FYI - My retirement week runs Friday through Thursday



  1. Congratulations on your bargain ride! A little elbow grease is FREE and can make things so much better!

    1. Thank you Mandy. So right and I have plenty of elbow grease stockpiled. LOL

  2. I can’t wait to see the new car transformation. It will be amazing for sure. :)

    1. I've already started on it and I can tell it is going to be a process, but I'm totally up for it.

  3. Can’t wait to hear about the car transformation! Knowing you it’s going to be awesome. Before and after pictures?? Keeping it or selling it?? Keep up the good work and live your posts!!!

  4. Congrats on the car! It seems to me because you are so thoughtful/purposeful with your finances/budgets that you can take advantage of such a good opportunity.

    I look forward to reading about your vacation plans. I don't know that I'll be planning a vacation soon but I think I need to start planning for my next day off (which is a few months away).

    1. Thanks Margaret. I am thrilled to have this opportunity.

  5. WOW...we are looking for a reasonably-priced car we can use for trips up north, one that's reliable and has good gas mileage. And it is TOUGH. Good for you.

  6. Congrats on the new car--how exciting for you! I cannot wait to see the transformation--I really hope you took lots of "before" pictures so we can admire the magic (and elbow grease!) you wielded.

    1. I didn't really take many pictures because I didn't want to embarrass my friend by making a huge point about the grime, but suffice it to say, it is coming right along.

  7. I have three Subaru vehicles and I love them all, but I'm going to sell one to my son and one to whomever will come give me $$$ for it. (: Then my driveway will feel HUGE. If you have any tips for solo traveling, I would sure like to read them!

    1. This my first and so far I love it! I will definitely share more as I do more solo traveling. ;)


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