Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Pantry Challenge In February


Even though I just started the year with a newly expanded grocery budget I like to do a pantry challenge every now and then to make sure I’m using my resources wisely and ensure that I’m not wasting food.  I like to choose February to do this because it happens to be the month when I get the highest heating bill of the year, January typically being our coldest month.  Having a little extra money to put toward that bill makes me feel better when it comes due and helps to ease any financial stress.


This time I hope to use up odds and ends of things in the refrigerator, freezer and pantry, pare down the extra condiments I’ve collected and eat up any leftovers I’ve accumulated.  A good pantry challenge will go a long way to help me accomplish this goal.  I may need to get creative and think a bit outside the box in the process.


With pantry challenges I will often set some rules to follow and try not to spend anything, or as little as possible, in the process.  This time I’m going to try it without any rules.  Just to see what happens.  In truth, I don’t expect it to be any different from any other time really, but I may surprise myself.  We shall see.


Stick around and at the end of the month I’ll let you know how it all went.  Anyone else have any pantry challenges planned?  What kind of rules do you set?  What is your favorite “go-to” meal during a pantry challenge?



  1. I’m sure you’ll do a great job!

  2. I organized and wiped down the freezer yesterday, and when I put things back I wrote down which ones I wanted to use up first. That helped me come up with a menu for next week. I don't have any rules with it, but I am looking to spend less at the grocery store, overall, just because I have plenty on hand for one person. My go to meals usually involve pasta because you can make it so many ways and use up up a lot of bits of things you have laying around: the rest of some cheese, a bit of sauce, whatever veggies you want to use up. I'm interested to see what you end up fixing!

  3. I found that my Kroger has the best mark downs on Tuesday evening. I've skipped the last 2 Tuesdays because I really want to use up what I have and pare down the pantry some. I also have a lot of dehydrated produce from a couple of years ago I need to use. Most of that will become soup I think.

    I look forward to reading how it goes for you.

    PS. There's leftover sweets from Christmas in the freezer. I should use those up right?

  4. I didn't buy groceries since Christmas week. I forced myself to use up everything in my fridge so that I could clean it and wipe it down. I then went to my nearest Sam's Club (75 miles away) and did a large stock up. Part of what I buy is for my inventory for at least 3 months. I try to do this once per month or longer in between and fill in with Aldis when needed or when there is a great loss leader. I find this works well for me and there is longer and longer in between grocery shopping.


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