Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Tour of My LTFS


Recently I did a little bit of moving and reorganizing of my long term food storage (LTFS) as little Miss Bunny Foo Foo was running under my feet and one of us was destined to get hurt.  If it was her I’d be absolutely devastated so I got busy one day and moved out the LTFS shelf from one side of the room so I could give her a large area in the downstairs bedroom with an enclosure to keep us both safe and consolidated everything in a smaller area.  I can now easily access what I need and she pretty much has the run of the majority of the room.  Win-win for both of us!


Once I had moved the shelves over I reorganized everything into categories.  I prefer to organize like with like so this just made sense to me.  I have it set up with extra baking items, condiments and spices, fruits and vegetables, meats, home canned soups (I no longer buy commercially produced soup products), tomato products, home canned beans, rice, pasta, dried legumes, and milk products.


Zombie apocalypse foods


Vacuum sealed packages of pasta, rice & legumes + water
(ignore the binders on top of the boxes, those got moved 😂)

You will notice I have gaps on the shelves.  This is a working pantry, not a hoarding situation, so this is to be expected.  I am going to be working this year to keep those gaps to a minimum but also make sure what I have on hand is getting used on a regular basis.  I make it a regular practice to rotate my stock and use what I am storing so nothing goes to waste.


Home canned soups & broths

Home canned tomato based products

Beans & milk products
I plan to do up more beans soon as I use them often

The only exception is the top shelf where I keep my freeze dried and dehydrated foods.  Just in case there is a zombie apocalypse I’ve that covered.  Seriously though, I do keep a small stock of these items, just in case.  I recognize that I have limited control over most things, especially weather events, power outages, etc.  You just never know what might happen in the future.


Vegetables & baking products

Fruit & condiments

Home canned fruits, pickles, relish & olives

Since I am a lone household of one I currently have my LTFS set up to feed two people for a year with only items I enjoy eating.  This allows me to feed others and share what I have on hand whenever I choose to do so.  I hope you enjoyed the tour!




  1. I did enjoy the tour. I also stock like items with like to keep things organized and easy to see how much I have of something and I only stock up on items we routinely use and enjoy. I have a large pail of zombie food too and last year I really started doing more dehydrating. It really comes in handy having the dehydrated fruits, veggies and herbs this time of year when making soups and stews so often.

    1. I agree. I use my dehydrated onions and celery quite a bit. My favorite snack is dehydrated apples.


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