Saturday, February 22, 2025

My Tireless Retirement – Week 151


Baby, it’s been cold outside!  We’ve had snow, sleet, rain, wind and freezing temperatures.  Thankfully by weeks end it has begun to warm back up.  I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for spring although I must admit I do enjoy watching the snow fall.


I worked all day last Friday (Valentine’s Day) and then I got home after dropping off two books I had just read at the library.  I also stopped into the liquor store on the way home to pick up a small bottle of peppermint schnapps so the BFF and I could have it in our hot chocolate.  I got home just as a snowstorm rolled in.  I got the bright idea to clean and reorganize the bathroom drawers real quick before we settled in to watch a movie.  I somehow managed to pull the drawer right out and drop it on the floor busting the knob off.  I have no idea how, but I did.  Good Lord!  Thank goodness for E6000 adhesive because I was able to fix it, but geez Louise!


It always takes a mess to clean one up

Two empty containers!  I've used up some stuff!

Saturday and Sunday was time for me to work on some craft projects and then I needed to turn my attention to cleaning up my mess.  I’ve done so much crafting in the last few months that it was time to go through and do a little reorganizing as things had become a bit messy.  I was able to get everything put away where it belonged and in the process I emptied two containers.  also had an empty drawer on my craft cart.  That actually surprised me.  I was able to use that drawer to put away my “new” tape runner I got off the FREE table at work a while back and the refills I had ordered for it.  I love when everything has a home.


Love this!! 😍

When I got done organizing all of my paper crafting supplies I made more labels so now all the drawers are labeled and I can easily find what I need.  It felt really good to get that project done.


Monday was President’s Day so I didn’t need to work that day.  I started out slow, did a load of laundry and then somehow found myself crafting again, making some extra colorful pages for my daily journal.  I worked all day on Tuesday and that afternoon took a group of seniors to tour the Idaho Supreme Court.  We were invited to come into one of the justice’s chambers for a visit and a bit of a Q&A which was pretty special.  It was very interesting and kind of reminded me of a school field trip.  I was impressed by how much the seniors seemed to love it.


Before the pantry challenge began

And now!

Wednesday I ran a quick errand.  When I got home I defrosted, cleaned and reorganized the deep freezer and then restocked the kitchen freezer with some older items I pulled from that deep freezer.  Everything I have in the deep freezer right now is currently a year old or newer and the majority of those items have all been vacuum sealed so I’m quite pleased with that.  Once I was done I updated my LTFS freezer inventory spreadsheet so I know exactly what I have on hand as well as the quantity.  Next I updated my March shopping list.  I also came up with a plan for my next canning project – minestrone soup.


This was fun!

On Thursday I spent a fair bit of time working in my art journal and in the kitchen to get food ready for a little dinner party I had with a couple of my gal pals I haven’t seen for a while.  It was so good to share some delicious food, a little red wine, a delicious dessert and some wonderful conversation.


I am loving this new journal & process

A perfect way to end another productive and tireless week in my retirement!


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