Friday, February 14, 2025

One Bite At A Time


Sometimes even the simplest projects can seem overwhelming.  So can life.  I find the best approach is to simply tackle it one small bite at a time.  I take my days minute by minute and then hour by hour.  I don’t spend a great deal of time looking far ahead into the future.  I have some small goals to complete this year, a couple the next and a possible goal in ten years, but other than that I just focus on the day at hand.  I find I enjoy life so much more now that I have chosen this approach.


For a long time now I’ve approached big projects in much the same way.  Recently however, I have applied this principle to the smaller ones too.  Right now my project is to do a little bit of damage repair to some walls in my house and then freshen up the paint.  The project on the whole may seem rather large, but little bit by little bit I am tackling it one step at a time with no concrete deadline so it doesn’t seem daunting to me at all.  I’m trying to approach my projects with softer deadlines now so my goal is to get this project done before the warmer weather starts back up and I want to be outside.


I realized that my approach to my projects could really be the approach to my life.  Unless it is an emergency there is no reason for me to move at the rate of speed and power my way through.  I can take a much more relaxed approach and really enjoy the process instead without feeling stressed out or overwhelmed.  One bite at a time.


  1. I find that I am thinking along the same lines. I want to repaint several rooms in my house, and while that seems daunting I know I can do a wall a day if need be. It will either get done or it won't, and the world will still turn. Step One - go get paint samples. The smaller the steps, the better. Small steps and simplicity fuel progress.

  2. I really enjoy yr posts.

  3. Speaking of painting... would you mind doing a tutorial post on it one day? We moved into a house that had been sloppily painted. I had never painted before, so I watched a lot of tutorials before I tried repainting some of the rooms. It looks better, but not great. I know it takes practice to get better, but I feel like I'm wasting so many supplies in the process. I'm sure you have some frugal tips and simplified techniques for painting a room. :)

  4. One bite at a time is exactly right. Little steps make great progress.


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