Saturday, March 8, 2025

My Tireless Retirement – Week 153


Last weekend was BUSY!  I spent all day Saturday working in the kitchen meal prepping for my week ahead so I had lots of meals ready to reheat and eat once I got home from work.  I am covering for a full time employee on vacation so lots of work hours this past week.  I worked all day Friday as usual, but also Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and yesterday.  It went just fine, but I was super happy to get home at the end of the day knowing dinner was handled.


Also on Saturday I put nine jars of beef barley soup into the pressure canner for long term storage and to have canned soup handy for whenever I want it.  On Sunday I did a big tidy up of my kitchen, crafting area and got the guest room ready for guests.  I also managed to get outside and do something I’ve been itching to do.  I didn’t get it finished because I ran out of daylight, but let’s just say the Subaru is about to have one less dent in it.


I have company staying with me for a while so if my posting gets a little bit off-schedule assume that is likely why.  I always love to have company come to visit.  Too bad it landed on the week I had to work so much, but we still had plenty of time for visiting.  Next week I am back to my normal schedule so we’ll get to go and do more as well as visit more.


Wednesday I was given a shout out by a fellow employee who posted on our employee website her gratitude for my help this past week.  That evening I was surprised and taken out to dinner by one of my sweet friends.  Then I was further surprised by another friend who gave me a lovely bouquet of flowers for no reason other than she loves me.  I felt so loved and appreciated.  Oh my gosh!  What a great day!


My sweet little buddy

Thursday was my day off, which I was more than ready for.  I enjoyed some quiet moments early in the morning with my kitty and my coffee and did some writing.  I found myself taking inventory of my happiness as I worked.  My bouquet of flowers sitting on my dining room table makes me smile and my heart swell.  I chose from my stash some of my handmade thank you cards and wrote notes inside to give to my sweet, sweet friends.


Our weather was all over the map last week with sun, wind, rain, warm temperatures and cold temperatures.  You name it, we had it.  Between the unpredictable weather and my busier work schedule I didn’t get much done other than a little bit of housekeeping and some laundry, but that’s okay.  Not all weeks need to be super productive and it is always good to take a break from time to time.  How was your week?



  1. What a nice week you had! I had a good mix of relaxation and productivity - I agree that you cannot push yourself. Sometimes you will get more done than at other times. The weather here has been amazing and I am looking forward to getting out into my yard to work - just another few days and the gigantic garage project will be done and I can move on to other pursuits. Happy Weekend!

  2. You have wonderful friends😊

  3. I'm typing this in the hope that I won't get another error message! If I don't, I will make a proper reply. Xxx

  4. Your friends are so thoughtful, what a treasure their friendship must be. You had the perfect balance of work and relaxation which we all need. I love the picture of Jack, he is adorable! :)


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