Saturday, March 22, 2025

My Tireless Retirement – Week 155


Hello everyone!  Last Friday was a lot of fun for me.  I worked all day at the senior center and after work I met five of my coworkers for dinner and then we went to see Drunk Shakespeare at Boise Little Theater.  It was so much fun, absolutely hilarious and I would strongly recommend it if you ever get the chance, but only if you like to laugh a lot.  If not, then skip it.


Asparagus is back in season!

This past weekend I enjoyed quite a bit of relaxation and downtime.  I spent time with my houseguests, celebrated a friend’s birthday, ate some good food, drank some good wine and just simply enjoyed myself.  I even sneaked in a bit of crafting.  It made for a simply delightful weekend.


I headed off to work Monday afternoon, St. Patrick’s Day, and enjoyed myself there as well.  My only day off during the week ended up being on Wednesday and I definitely made the most of it.  I ran a couple errands, one of which included a very long wait to pick up new family members.  Peeps!


Three sweet little fuzz balls

On Thursday I worked a few hours to cover for a co-worker that wanted to take the afternoon off and spend some time with her son.  Bravo!  I didn’t mind giving up my day off at all to help her out.  I spent the rest of the day, before work and after, just hanging out at home and being a peep mommy.  They are so cute!  Best way ever to complete another satisfying week in retirement.  How was your week?!



  1. Can't wait to hear more about the baby peeps!!

  2. Drunk Shakespeare sounds like fun!

  3. Can't wait to be introduced to the peeps! Bet you've got cute names already chosen. Any reason you chose 3? Is it a coop space consideration?


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