Monday, January 10, 2022

Budgeting For Retirement -Week 1


How did my first full week of 2022 and preparing for retirement go?  Well, let me tell you.  I was very fortunate to start out the new year with a full tank of fuel in my car (I had to use up some fuel points by year end which saved me 10¢ per gallon), $20 cash in my wallet, $65 in my checking account, a growing change jar in the cupboard and a stack of gift cards in my dayplanner.  My pantry and the chest freezer in our garage are full and I had loads of leftovers in the fridge and freezer in our kitchen.  We were blessed to begin a new year with plenty and I am so grateful for that.


A salad made of leftover items in our fridge

In the interest of being frugal this year and our desire to not waste anything I made meals last week using up items I had in the fridge and had squirreled away in our freezer.  I made a meal plan based on what I already had on hand and supplemented with a small grocery shop for fresh produce and some dairy.  Before shopping I had checked the sales ads, which didn't have anything I needed, so I chose my stores based on best quality and pricing - Winco and Trader Joes.  This was literally my first outing of the new year and since they are both located close to one another it was efficient as well.


My little grocery haul

I packed my lunches to take to work using leftovers, my insulated lunchbox and one of the two Sponge Bob ice packs (they belonged to my daughters when they were in grade school) I keep in the freezer. I rotate the ice packs each day.  I also made myself a nice flavored coffee (with no sugar) each day to take to work in an insulated travel mug my daughters gave me one year for my birthday.  I choose not to spend my money on lunches out or delivered or on coffee drinks.  I could not tell you the last time I did.


I picked these up to add to our prepper pantry

We ate really well last week.  I made a Thai Curry soup that was phenomenal, used some of the leftover Christmas ham to make pork fried rice and a reuben sandwich.  I also made some pasta with home canned sauce.  I am super proud that I didn't over cook, we ate up all of our leftovers (even a few items from the previous week), kitchen scraps went to our chickens and anything extra I put up in the freezer to use later on, minimizing food waste.  The frozen extras will help me make really quick and economical meals.


Our veggie bin was replenished with loads of fresh produce

I got my first paycheck on the 5th.  I paid the mortgage an entire month early, the power bill was paid in December with extra money I had left at month end, the sewer/trash and internet bill was scheduled using my credit card (I earn points and then will pay it next month before the bill comes due and interest accrues), set aside money for our February grocery budget (I set aside funds a month in advance so I am able to shop whenever I choose rather than having to wait for paydays), set aside funds to fuel my vehicles and take care of any small miscellaneous expenses and paid the water bill.


Simple meals kept us well fed last week

I mended a small hole in my favorite sweater.  Thankfully it is in an armpit so it will hide my terrible stitching.  Sometimes I do pretty well and sometimes I wonder if I even know how to sew.  LOL.  But I got the job done and that is all that really matters.




Saturday morning our weekly FREE offer at Albertson's was a 12 pack of flavored seltzer water.  My daughter went to the store to pick up one for each of us using our rewards cards and now I have a full case of flavored water to add to my pantry stash.  I was super excited about that!  Then I spent the majority of the day in my craft room making greeting cards using up items I already had on hand.  Getting some crafting time make me even happier and was the perfect way to end the first week of the year.


A reuben sandwich with leftover curly fries I found in the freezer

How did you do on your first week on 2022?




  1. I miss Kroger and their free Friday items.

    1. They've had a terrible time with maintaining inventory. :(

  2. Looks like you got off to a great start! I've come up with a budget for groceries and so far we are sticking to the plan of eating what we already have. Like you, I want to get it down to mainly buying fresh produce and dairy each week.

    1. It really takes a load off knowing I only need just a few things. It will be nice.


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