Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year - Happy New Chapter!


If you have wandered over from my previous blog Thrifty Mom In Boise or just stumbled here by chance - Welcome!  This is my new blog.  After well over ten years (eleven + actually) of blogging about my life as a thrifty single mother with two daughters (my adult son has been grown and on his own for quite some time now) I am nearing the end of my full time parenting role and, you guessed it, getting ready to change gears and embrace early retirement.  It has been a long time goal of mine to retire early.  I've dreamt about it, planned for it, saved for it and worked hard to get there.  That time is drawing near and I am very excited about it.  This will probably be my last year of full time employment.  My goal is to retire on December 31, 2022 and I thought you might enjoy following along with me as I make the final preparations and get myself ready for my big day.  With that in mind, I decided to go ahead and start this blog now rather than to wait until I retire.


Last year was the most difficult year of my life as far as my health was concerned and I almost thought I was going to be forced to retire at the end of 2021.  All my life I've been blessed with really good health, always passed my physicals with flying colors, perfect blood work and no serious issues or illnesses of any kind.  The only hospitalization and surgery I'd had was a tonsillectomy when I was five years old. So you can imagine the shock for me, my family and my circle of friends when I developed some major heart and vascular issues.  In less than six months I'd suffered a carotid dissection with an aneurysm and three myocardial infarctions (aka heart attacks).  Thankfully, I was able to get the medical help I needed and have managed to turn it around, for the most part.  Will I ever be back to where I was physically before all of this happened?  Probably not.  Will I be back to where I was mentally and emotionally before all of this happened?  Definitely not.  These things will change you, but not necessarily in a bad way.


As many of you may know there is nothing quite like a major life crisis to shake things up a bit.  As you recover and get better you cannot help but mull over the situation in your head at times and reconsider the path you happen to be traveling.  I decided right away I was not going to feel sorry for myself or allow despair to set in and I think I managed to do that pretty well overall.  I won't say there weren't times of frustration and occasionally fear would creep in and try to grab hold.  Fear is not at all helpful, nor does it solve anything so I managed to pretty much keep that at bay and instead worked on being positive and proactive.  With all of that I realized that if I had to retire even earlier than I had originally planned I would be okay financially.  I would have to make some new decisions and change some plans but I was comforted in knowing it could be done.  But getting some much needed answers and a solid treatment plan for my health situation as well as getting back onto my feet is allowing me to stick to my original plan and agenda.  Thank you Lord.  Well, I have definitely rattled on long enough so I will end this post right now and I really do hope you will join me as I embark on this next chapter in life.  It is going to be fun, I'm sure of it.


I hope you all are doing wonderfully this fine first day of 2022.  I pray for wisdom, good health and great prosperity for us all.  Pandemic be damned!  Let's make it a great year, shall we?



  1. Today marks my husband’s first official day of retirement. He is 61. He had 37 years with the state. He was ready for sure but his main reason was if he’s retired and dies first I get his pension. If he was still employed I’d only a lump sum of I think $25,000. At our age you have to think of these things.
    I’ve been a long time reader if your blog and look forward to this one as well.

  2. Thanks for taking us along on your journey, I'm sure it will be great!

  3. Congrats!! I can't wait to follow along on your journey :)

  4. Congratulations!! So exciting!! Wishing you the best!! What an exciting adventure!!

  5. Started my first day of "almost" retirement today! I have a few projects that have carried over into the new year, but am hoping not to be tied to my laptop any more. I spent yesterday bagging up work suits for donation that I would be unlikely to ear again. It felt very symbolic! Looking forward to seeing your journey.

  6. Looking forward to following you on your new adventures! Best wishes and Happy New Year!

  7. I always say, "I've always been retired but now I get paid for it." I was a stay at home, homeschooling mom so I set my own schedule. I think that's what most people looking forward to retirement really want, to set their own schedule. I've always admired how well you planned and saved and were such a happy, frugal lady. Congratulations and may your health not get in the way.

    1. Oh my gosh, I'd say a very hard working retired lady! :0)

  8. Looking forward to following along on your new adventures.
    My husband retired 8 years ago and it was the best thing for him and us. You can do this!!

  9. Join the ranks! It's great to be retired. Yep, I'll be following along! Cheers.

  10. Looks like we'll be retiring the same month Dec 2022

  11. You go girl!! So happy for you! Can't wait to follow along on your new blog, exciting!! Patti Ann

  12. I love reading your other blog and look forward to joining you on your journey toward retirement. You got this!

  13. wow! I am very excited about your new blog! Being a long time reader and similar in age I look forward to your thoughts on retirement and frugal living. I have learned so much from you and pray God's best. Tracy

  14. Yay! So happy for you! A brand new blog and new adventures on the horizon! Happy 2022!

  15. I'm so excited for you! I will be cheering you on! I actually thought about you when I had my heart attack 4 weeks ago. nothing like a health scare for you to get your priorities in order! Take care!

    1. Oh Mandy! Not a club I wanted you to join. I hope you are doing well. Take care my friend.

  16. Congratulations! I'll be following your journey as we are looking forward to DH's retirement in 4 years and mine in 7 years.


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