Monday, January 3, 2022

How I Plan To Make This Happen


This is going to be a low spend year.  With the blessing of a very full pantry and a well stocked freezer in our garage I plan to keep our grocery spending to a minimum.  Last year I operated off of a $100 a month grocery budget and this year I am hoping to spend even less.  Even with the rise in grocery prices I would love to see if I can manage on just $50 per month to start the year off.  Especially since this is the time for higher heating bills a stricter grocery budget can help offset the increased cost of electricity.


I get paid twice per month at my job.  My plan is to live off of one paycheck and save the other.  Along with that any extra money and income will be funneled right into savings as well.  Right now I am debt free with the exception of a small mortgage on our home.  My regular monthly expenses at the moment are the house payment, gas, groceries, medical insurance (comes out of my paycheck) and utilities.  I pay our homeowners and auto policies annually and that was taken care of in November.  In May I will need to renew the registration on my truck and in December my car.  That is pretty much all I have in the way of regular reoccurring expenses so trying to do it all in one paycheck is quite feasible.


Along with my regular savings I upped my 401(k) contribution at work and I also contribute $200 to a Health Savings Account (HSA) twice per month.  Again these come out of each paycheck.  Not only will I have the extra monies saved but I get a tax break for doing so, which will benefit me greatly when I go to file my income taxes next year.  Even after I leave my job the HSA account is mine to use for future medical expenses I incur during retirement.


Every little bit helps and I save in a lot in small ways.  I keep a jar for my change and every once in a while I empty the coins that have accumulated in my wallet into it.  Anytime I find pennies on the street I pick them up and add them to the jar as well.  About once per year I will sit down at my dining room table and count it all up and put it in coin wrappers.  I then take those wrapped coins to my credit union and deposit them into my savings account.  It really adds up fast and I'm always surprised each time by the total amount that I've collected.


As the year progresses I'm sure I will come up with more ideas of ways to save and as I do I will be sure to share them with you.  Feel free to add your ideas and things you do to save in the comments below.  I'd love to hear about what you are doing to save up for something.



  1. I’m thankful our credit union has one of those coin machines that counts your money for you for FREE.

    1. Ours does too, but for some reason I love to count it out and wrap it. I'm weird.

  2. Oh I forgot. $50? Thet will be ama$ing!!

  3. Wow! I think $100/month grocery budget is awesome, but $50/month, Wow!
    And here I thought I was doing good if I spent $100/week for my family of 4...I have much to learn.

    1. Well, we'll see how well I do. It should be interesting. LOL

  4. That's great that you can use your HSA for a longer period. I have been retired for a few years now, but when I was working and contributing to a similar plan, unused funds were forfeited at the end of the year. That made it tricky to determine exactly how much to contribute.

    1. After I posted, I saw your link describing your plan. The plan that I was enrolled in years ago was an FSA; entirely separate from my health insurance. It proved to be very helpful several times with things that I knew in advance were coming up (dental crowns, etc.)

    2. I had the FSA or cafeteria plans in the past and I didn't like risking those funds to a forfeiture. The HSA is much more my style. ;0)


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