Monday, February 14, 2022

Budgeting My Way To Retirement - Week 6


Happy Valentine's Day! 

Last week was a very productive week for me.  I managed to get a lot of small tasks completed that added up to big progress and that made me very happy.  Sunday morning I went to Albertson's and Fred Meyer to pick up some items on sale.  At home I did some writing, cooking, laundry and my daily chores.


Oranges, milk & potatoes on sale plus some markdown salad mix & bread

Work was insanely busy, however I still managed to get things done before and after each day.  I was glad to go through all of my oils, vinegars, herbs and spices, clean the shelves and inside the cabinets and reorganized everything as I put it all away.  I also did the same with my baking supplies in the pantry.  This allowed me to get a better grasp on what I have on hand, what needs to be used up and what I need to consider stocking up on soon.


A whole chicken at 50% OFF went right into the freezer

I made simple and delicious meals from things I already had on hand.  I put bone in chicken breasts in the slow cooker to make crack chicken and once the meat was pulled from the bones I added the bones to a bag I keep in the freezer to make stock later on.  I made rice and a big salad to go with the chicken.  I used half a pound of ground beef and a cup of black beans from the freezer along with some pantry items to make taco soup and cornbread muffins.  We had plenty of leftovers to eat throughout the week until Friday when we made chili dogs with buns and smoked sausages that had marked down at the grocery store.  Home canned beanless chili was the perfect topping along with grated cheese and some finely diced onions.  I was very pleased to be able to feed two people really well using only two chicken breasts halves, half a pound of ground beef and three smoked sausages.


Flavored coffees that were on sale

I sold something on eBay that I no longer needed.  I washed out some Ziploc bags to reuse.  I made valentine treats using only items I already had on hand.


Saturday I went to the feed store to pick up extra chicken feed and some cat food.  They had the best prices too.  In fact, it appeared they had yet to raise their prices over what they've been charging for the past couple of years.


I hope you are all doing well.  How did you week go?  I hope it was wonderful.




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