Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Are We Rationing Our Food?


In a way, I guess we are kind of rationing our food.  In going into 2022 I wanted to be more mindful of the things I do on a daily basis.  One of those things was to make sure we had very minimal waste, especially with food as prices are on the rise and at any given moment there have been shortages on various items.  For the most part I am able to get the things we need and want as long as I'm willing to shop around at different stores until I find it, which I am.


Beginning back in December we made the decision to be more careful with what we are cooking and eating.  The focus has been to prepare delicious, healthy and nutritious meals in a way that allows us to stretch our food and not waste it.  I have been able to stretch our meat, the most expensive item on the list right now, by using less and therefore eating less of it.  Instead, I'm adding in more beans and vegetables into our recipes.


I've also incorporated more soups into our diet.  Soups are a great way to use up leftovers, extend what you have and are very budget friendly.  A good soup offers a lot in the way of hydration, nutrition and it fills you up.  We enjoy soup at our house so eating more of it has been rather enjoyable.


The changes we are making seem to be working rather well.  We have plenty to eat and all of our dietary needs are being met.  I've managed to offer a nice variety of foods too so we aren't getting bored with what we are eating, but most importantly we haven't felt deprived in any way.  In fact, we were just discussing how nice the meals have been lately.  I think we're on to something.




  1. I enjoy your blog so much! It is insightful and encouraging to read during these uncertain days. Thanks and keep up the great posts! Blessings and prayers for your health, Tracy

    1. Thank you so much Tracy. I really appreciate your encouragement. :)


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