Monday, March 21, 2022

Budgeting My Way To Retirement - Week 11


Another whirlwind week sped right on by.  It was busy and hectic and required a boatload of overtime.  I was also pretty darn tired by the time Friday arrived.  Needless to say I was in bed pretty early that night, but I did manage to run some errands right after work so I could have my weekend free and clear.


I was super excited about these!

I stopped in and dropped off my eyeglass at the doctor's office to get new lenses put in. Them I treated myself to a brand new pair of summer sandals.  I love my Clarks, but I've never had a pair of their sandals.  I had rewards points and a coupon for DSW so since I was in the neighborhood I stopped in to see what I could find.  I was thrilled to only pay $20 for my sandals once the rewards and coupon came off the regular price of $39.99.  On the way home I stopped in at Fred Meyer to stock up on cheese, cottage cheese and sour cream that was on sale.


Spiffy clean & I know what we have

Saturday was spent catching up on laundry and tidying up the house.  I cleaned and reorganized the fridge and freezer in the kitchen.  I washed out several gallon size Ziploc bags to reuse, added more tea bags, coffee bags and crushed up egg shells to my compost bin, shared some stale bread with the chickens and kept our food waste to pretty much nil.


Reuben sandwich

I did manage to make corned beef and cabbage for our supper on St. Patrick's Day, much to my daughter's delight.  We love a good corned beef dinner around here plus all the reuben sandwiches to follow.  A little corned beef hash is nice too.


I made this amazing salad for my dinner Saturday

I hope you all had a wonderful week.  Did any of you do a corned beef for St. Patrick's day?




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