Wednesday, April 6, 2022

A No Spend Challenge


My first order of business as a newly retired person is to not spend money this month.  I even paid all of April's monthly utility bills in March and I'm several months ahead on the mortgage.  It is a month for me to explore alternatives to getting things done without spending anything, including groceries.


This will be a good test to see if what I've stocked up on in my kitchen pantry and our freezer is adequate to meet our needs.  I told my daughter if she wants any junk food she will need to purchase it herself.  I certainly don't need it.  Do I have enough of what we need to prepare our daily meals for an entire month?  We will certainly see.


I began the month with a little more than a half tank of fuel in my car and also my truck.  I do not plan to buy any gasoline, but I also plan on not driving anywhere.  I will utilize other sources of transport like my bike and my feet.  I want to see what I can do without a vehicle for a month.


I'm excited about this opportunity to be home, decompress and settle in.  And doing it without spending money sounds really good to me too!  Do you think you could do a complete No Spend month?




  1. Wow this is just so great! I can't believe you are retired! A million congratulations! I love this no spend, no drive, decompress challenge as a way to start retirement. As always, so inspiring!
    Best wishes!


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