Wednesday, May 11, 2022

My Housekeeping Checklists


For quite some time now I've been working with a checklist to help me stay on top of my housekeeping.  I go through the list and spend about fifteen minutes on each task and then check it off once complete.  Some tasks will take more than one fifteen minute session so I may need to come back to it later and finish, which is just fine.  The idea is to do as much as I can in that fifteen minutes so that housework does not consume my life and yet I still get stuff done.


Over time and because I'm cleaning the areas of my home on a more regular basis I find that it has become much easier and faster to clean things up.  Grease, grime or dust no longer collect and less elbow grease is required.  I also found that the act of "spring cleaning" is no longer something I need to do anymore.  That was a great surprise.  Spring cleaning used to consume several weekends or even an entire week long staycation.  Not anymore!


I have my regular daily chores each day that I complete, again I only spend fifteen minutes on those as well.  My daily routines are a huge help too in making the quarterly cleaning easier and more successful.  Add in the occasional decluttering and purging routines and it all comes together quite nicely.  The combination has been amazing.


The best part and why I share this with you is because it really works.  It doesn't matter the size of your home, if are still in the workforce or have health issues.  You can make a huge difference in just fifteen minutes.  If you would like a working copy of my checklists in an excel format email me ( I would be very happy to share them with you.  This way you can take them and edit them to work for you.  I've also added a 30 day decluttering schedule to the mix.  Having these checklists in my tool kit makes my life so much easier and improves my quality of life.  I hope you find them helpful as well.



  1. I guess the spray bottle is diluted fabuloso? If so, do you have to rinse when cleaning counters etc?


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