Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Small Batch Canning


Is it still worth the effort to home can foods for the pantry once you've retired?  I definitely feel that it is.  For one thing, I really enjoy the art of canning and with the current state of things and so many unknowns ahead of us, I feel it is really important that I keep it up.  Home canned food adds another layer to my preparedness requiring no refrigeration.


In the past ten years or so I've changed how I can quite a bit. I no longer do great big batches that stretch on for days like I used to.  That was a bit overwhelming.  I much prefer to do smaller batches that I can complete in shorter periods of time.  It is easier to manage and much easier to keep my kitchen clean and still operational.  Before canning took over the kitchen whereas now I can do my canning project and still be able to cook meals or bake something.


Now that I'm retired I'm looking at how I can a little bit differently because I'm no longer canning for a family.  I'm just canning for one or two individuals now.  I find that a pint of canned meat is plenty for four meals so I've been canning in half pints lately so I have smaller portions available.  Whereas I used to put up quarts of fruit and pickles I'm doing pints instead.  Jams,jellies, salsa, relishes and some pickles can go into half pint jars now instead of the larger pint jars.  Soups, broths, pasta sauces, etc. are going into pint jars instead of quarts.  I'm really not putting up much in quart jars anymore.


Another reason I continue to home can food is because I like knowing what is in the jar, especially when it comes to meats.  Canned meats are an important part of my long term food storage and as much as I can put up myself the better for my overall health and nutrition, in my opinion.  Plus I think the flavor is better as well.  I can season it exactly how I prefer.


I will keep you apprised of what I end up canning this year as I work on it.  Like I said, I find canning and preserving food a lot of fun and very rewarding too.  To me, nothing looks prettier than all those jars lined up in my pantry.



  1. Looks delicious!
    I remember my Mom admiring her jars of jelly each year. She thought they looked like jewels.


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