Friday, August 26, 2022

Preparing For Winter 2022


This is the time of year when I begin to prepare for the winter ahead.  Purchasing extra supplies so I am stocked up in anticipation of higher heating bills and inclement weather gives me greater peace of mind.  My main focus right now is acquiring enough pet food and supplies so I don't have to go out in bad weather to buy what we need.  Tossing a bag of chicken feed into the back of my truck during a rain or snow storm is not ideal and can ruin the feed on the way home.  Not to mention, carrying heavy bags of feed or cat food across an icy driveway can be a bit hazardous.  With this in mind I make sure I don't have to worry about it and pick up enough to get through the winter.


Beginning in July of each year I try to purchase one large bag of dry cat food and a 50# bag of chicken feed to stack in my garage.  I keep an extra chicken water feeder and bowls for the cats on hand in case something gets broken.  I also make sure they all have plenty of treats too.  Each fall I like to have a full bale of grass hay for the bunny and a full bag of her veggie pellets in the garage too.  This year I've really noticed that pet food has been a little thin on the shelves and the last time I bought hay I had to drive across town as my regular feed store I get it at was out.  I find it even more important to make sure I keep extra on hand now more than ever before.


As far as for myself I make sure to fill in any gaps in my pantry or freezer and I check my supply of toiletries, first aid supplies, medicines and cleaning supplies making sure I pick up anything I may need.  That way if the weather turns bad or I catch a cold I won't feel pressed to go to the stores and can just stay home.  Also, when the heat bill is higher I won't feel stressed about my budget because I won't have to spend money on things I already have.


Over the summer and in the fall any maintenance. repairs or improvements to my house and vehicles are also taken care of.  No one really wants to change the oil or patch the roof in the middle of winter so I try to make sure all of those maintenance items are taken care of before the weather changes.  I also check my tools (this year I need to consider replacing my snow shovel), supply of ice melt, make sure I have good winter clothing on hand, plenty of blankets in the linen closet, extra cooking fuel, lamp oil and candles in case the power goes out, and so forth.


While we can prepare for everything I feel that what I do each year has helped me to a lot to be as prepared as possible.  With rising costs, shortage of goods and odd weather patterns I just need to do what I can at the moment.  What are some of the things you do to prepare for winter.



  1. I’m trying to get items stocked up. I’m having knee replacement in October and would like to have as much as possible on hand so my husband doesn’t need to be running all over the place

    1. Good plan! Best wishes to you on your upcoming surgery and recovery.


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