Friday, September 9, 2022

Sewing For The "Twins"


One of my lost dolls was also the last doll I ever received as a gift in childhood.  A chubby little Rub A Dub dolly with the sweetest face and bright blue eyes.  She was among the dolls my mom had sent to my aunt for my cousin to play with and along with all the others we never got her back.  Last year I began to think about that doll and wonder if I could find one on eBay, mainly so I could use her as a model to make doll clothes.  I found one in February and ordered it, but she got lost in the mail on her way to me.  I found another one and ordered her and she arrived with no problem.  Several weeks later the lost in the mail dolly arrived and when I contacted the seller to let her know she had shown up she told me to keep her even though she had already refunded my money.  I tried to pay for her, but the seller refused and told me to just give her a good home.  No problem!  I was more than happy to do it.😃


I'm so pleased with how these two outfits turned out

Isn't that lace trim just the sweetest?

I love adding the details like these tiny little buttons

So now I have a set of twins.  Both dolls ended up needing and getting the spa treatment.  They were filthy and their hair was a wreck, but they rehabbed quite nicely and I was quite satisfied with the results.  The only thing left to do was get them dressed.  They were both naked!  I just can't have naked dolls sitting around.


I had ordered some vintage patterns from eBay once doll number one had arrived and they were sitting at my sewing machine waiting for me.  I also had a ton of fabric in my craft room to use (still do) so I selected several pieces and cut out some new outfits to be sewn.  I was all gung ho to get going on this fun little project.  I made a cute little romper for one of the dolls and then on April 6th I had a heart attack and ended up in the hospital for five days having a second one while I was in there.  My doll project was stalled and I was in a whole other realm, but that's a different story.


A sweet seersucker sun suit

A couple weeks ago I pulled out the bin with the cut out patterns and fabric to see where I had left off, threaded my sewing machine and got busy.  I've been having an absolute ball stitching up what I had already started working on and got that all finished up.  I made a pair of flannel pajamas and a flannel nightgown, a cute little top with pants, as well as the cutest seersucker sun suit.  Then I cut out a polka dot dress with matching panties and got that completed as well, all trimmed with vintage ric rac and a cute little bow.


This dress was a little more challenging, but a lot of fun to make

It has felt so good to be sewing again and to be able to work on this project that has been on hold and patiently waiting my return.  I love to sew for these dolls.  It reminds me of when I used to sew for my children when they were young and how much I enjoyed that.  I am having a tremendous amount of fun.  Now onto some other naked dolls I happen to have laying around…



  1. Isnt this fun!!! Reliving your youth. I do the same!

  2. It is fun to sew doll clothes. Years ago I made complete outfits for my daughter's doll and a friend's doll. Glad you are having such fun making the new outfits. They are darling. You do such a good job ... not matter what you put your hand to!!

  3. So adorable! What a nice e-bay seller too.

    1. I just put a doll and some clothes up to sell this week. Fingers crossed, I've got watchers. :)

  4. Oh the clothes are adorable!! So precious!! Love the dollys!

    1. I love those chunky babies too. It's been so fun to sew for them.

  5. Ohh, how sweet! These outfits are absolutely adorable! My mom used to work with a lady who made clothes for my Barbies when I was growing up. I treasured those handmade outfits! You are SO great at this!

    1. Thank you Mandy. I bet you had some very well dressed Barbies. Lucky girl!


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