Friday, November 11, 2022

Decluttering My Gift Wrap Organizer


A couple years ago I invested in a gift wrap organizer that I could hang up in a closet.  At the time it was a good upgrade from the bin I had been using because it held everything including the paper rolls.  However, since that time I have stuffed it full to the point that it had become so heavy I feared it might break the closet rod or the organizer itself.


I definitely do not need this many bags & gift boxes

The other day I decided to take it down and go through it because I realized I had collected way too much stuff for wrapping gifts.  I went through each and every item in each and every pocket and literally was able to get rid of half of what I had squirreled away.


This is what I chose to get rid of

No way did I need this many gift bags and boxes.  Or so many stick on bows.  And because I really enjoy making my own gift tags I got rid of a bunch of those too so now I have a good excuse to make some more.


Much more manageable

Now I feel I have just the right amount of gift wrapping supplies, probably still more than I need at the moment, but far less than I had before.  I have a nice selection of tissue paper good for all occasions, a small selection of birthday and Christmas gift bags in assorted sizes, a couple small Valentine gift bags plus three wine gift bags in no particular theme.  I kept a few Christmas gift boxes and a couple plain white ones too.


and a lot lighter

The organizer is so much lighter now and fits neatly in the closet of the upstairs spare bedroom which I think is the perfect place for me to do my gift wrapping.


Ready for a porch pick up

I figured someone else could probably get some good use out of the items I decluttered so I offered it all up for FREE on my neighborhood Facebook Buy Nothing page.  It always feels good to me whenever I take on a declutter project and even better when I'm able to share things that can help out another person.




  1. I love posting stuff like that on my town's free site as well. I gave away a bunch of excess Christmas decor last year as my kids are older now and when the woman picked it up she was a working immigrant mom with 2 little kids - was so happy my things could bring some Christmas joy

    1. Oh my gosh, my stuff went to a young immigrant couple too! I was thrilled. :D

  2. I need to do this so bad, too! Great job! I’m sure the person that picked it up greatly appreciated it.


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