Monday, November 14, 2022

My Tireless Retirement - Week 32


Brrrr!  I'm ready for spring folks!  My body is not happy with the change in our weather.  Cold, wet and breezy, goodness sakes!  Anybody else freezing their keister off?  That's okay, it gives me a really good excuse to grab my fuzzy throw blanket and snuggle with the kitties in front of the fireplace.  Who doesn't love that?


Daylight savings ended on Sunday and usually that is a great time to catch an extra hour of sleep.  Not this girl.  For some reason I could not sleep that night so I gave up and headed downstairs to do something else thinking it was 4:00 in the morning but it was only 3:00!  So I adjusted all the clocks in the house and brewed a pot of coffee.  I did a bunch of writing so all was not lost.  What did you do with your extra hour on Sunday?  I hope it included a good night of sleep.


Tuesday was my day to run errands and also it was election day so I got myself ready and headed out.  It was a sunny 45° day and a little breezy, but tolerable.  I headed off to the post office first to mail a journal I made for my aunt and pick up some really cute Christmas stamps.  I am all stocked up on postage stamps for a while. 

A sweet little journal I made for my aunt

Then off to the gas station to put in my $25 monthly budget of fuel into my car which topped her up quite nicely with six gallons of gasoline.  Now both vehicles are full as we head into winter and I probably won't need to buy fuel again until after the New Year.  How about that?!  After I voted I headed back home and Jack was very happy to get my lap back while I enjoyed a hot cup of coffee and put my feet up.  Voting is hard work!  Ha, ha, ha.


Sorry for the glare, I did a collage of some of the places I want to go
It's good to have goals!

I'm really glad I got my errands done on Tuesday because I woke to snow again on Wednesday morning and then our lows were in the twenties after that so it has stuck around.  The rest of my week basically consisted of staying warm, a little cooking, a little housekeeping, a little laundry and a whole lot of crafting and working on the travel section of my 2023 dayplanner.  I'm making a bucket list and coming up with some plans.  I love planning stuff!  I also did some work in my Christmas journal, yes I did!  I made a big pile of Christmas cards too.  I had loads of fun.


I tell you what, warmer temperatures are calling my name already, but according to Alexa I have four months and one week until spring.  That seems like a long time, but we all know how quickly time passes.  It will be spring soon enough.


I started a bucket list!

I hope you all enjoyed a great week.  Has anyone started decorating for Christmas yet?  I have not, but I am getting excited about it.



  1. I really think you should consider adding Colorado to your bucket list. (You may have -- I couldn't tell for sure!) You've got a place to park and/or stay here already...with us!


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