Friday, December 16, 2022

Journaling For Mental Health


I love to make journals and I love the idea of what you can do with a journal, however, until this year I wasn't one who wrote in a journal on a regular basis.  In the past I've done journaling for events or vacations and I've also done a gratitude journal, but to write down my thoughts on a daily basis just wasn't something I did.


I use my dayplanner all the time

I knew this year was going to be a hard one for me.  I had been struggling with my health, my job was a major source of stress, my youngest child was going to graduate high school and head off to college and my closest friend was in the end stages of ovarian cancer.  I knew 2022 was going to be a year of a lot of changes and high emotions and let me tell you, it has not disappointed in that respect.


One of the things suggested to me long ago by a friend of mine who was a therapist was to write things down in order to get it out of my head.  I loved the concept, but I never did it, which is crazy as I am an avid list maker and dayplanner user.  I write those kinds of things down so I don’t forget and I don’t have to try and remember everything in my head.  It worked great and I have been doing it practically my entire adult life.  I menu plan, I map out my projects and my goals.  I've seen how writing these things down leads to success.


This year I decided, with all that was going on and all that was likely to happen, it would probably serve me well to write my thoughts into a journal every day.  There is not right or wrong way journal.  You just write down whatever you want.  And now that I've been doing it I can honestly say this simple exercise has been a true game changer.  It really does help.  I don't have to carry all of these thoughts, concerns, anxieties or fears around with me.  I just write it down and leave it in my journal.  I write down what I'm thankful and grateful for.  I write down quotes that inspire me, scriptures that touch me, wonderful things or sad things that happened that day.  I even doodle.


My new daily journal I made for 2023

Journaling declutters my mind, my soul and my heart.  It is just as freeing and liberating as when I declutter my home.  While I don't sit down and read my prior entries I can see as I flip through my pages just how much my journaling has evolved since the beginning of the year.  At first I just wrote down insignificant things like what I ate or the weather.  But as time went on I found myself really enjoying the process and letting go of a lot of emotional thinking that really weighed me down mentally.  I'm really glad I finally decided to take that step.  I've even prepared my journal for 2023 because I think it is that important.  Journaling is definitely good for my mental health.



  1. I use my blog for this...obviously I'm going to be in big trouble, if ever the Internet crashes. It has been a huge help remembering what happened when -- but also getting certain worries, angers and joys out of my system.
    I also write notes on a large appointment book I use to catalog sales, income, expenses, etc. Those help, too. But I pour my heart into my blog. (doing it since 2007!)

    I have a special request. You made the cutest kitty ornaments back in 2014 -- and I would love to know how to make them. (You didn't do a post on it, I think...) Would it be possible to do DIY instructions?

    (Thanks for the lovely card, too.)

    1. You are so welcome my friend!

      The ornaments? Oh my goodness, they're a process. Let me think on that one. ;)

  2. I'm also going to do more writing in this next year, for myself. I find it very therapeutic to write out all my grumpy feelings and then send it through the shredder. I also want to start on a "story of my life so far" type of writing project. Your journals are beautiful!

    1. Thank you Mandy. Funny, I was thinking the same thing about writing about my life too. I always loved hearing the stories from my parents and grandparents. This would kind of be the same thing.


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