Monday, December 26, 2022

My Tireless Retirement - Week 38


Hello, hello my friends!  How was everyone's Christmas?  I hope it was the best day ever!  My Christmas was just lovely and Santa was very good to me.  My week leading up to Christmas was fairly low-key and uneventful.  I listened to Christmas music every day and watched several old movies last week.  I cooked some wonderful meals and even did a little bit of baking.


The only shopping I did last week was to go into Albertson's and pick up four packages of cheese that were on sale for $1.69 each.  I was getting a little bit low on cheese so this sale came at the right time.  I see grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup in my future.  Yum!


Friday I made the rounds and delivered all of my homemade friends and neighbor gifts.  I wrapped them all up with things I already had on hand which made for some more happy decluttering.


Christmas Eve I made pesto shrimp for supper along.  Dessert was simple, delicious gingersnap cookies I had baked.  Christmas morning I baked a quiche I had squirreled away in the freezer and we enjoyed that with a wonderful Bloody Mary.


Jack's favorite part of Christmas is playing with the wrapping

I pan grilled a nice sized rib eye steak (big enough to share) that I had in the chest freezer for Christmas dinner, made some au jus to dip it in, baked a couple potatoes which I served with butter, sour cream and some sliced green onions and steamed some broccoli.  My BFF provided a bottle of wine for the occasion.  All of the food was amazing.  We definitely ate well on Christmas  Eve and Christmas day.


Very blessed and fortunate

It was such a nice, relaxing and quiet week.  I couldn't have asked for better.  And the gifts?  I was spoiled with candles, a Pampered Chef cookie press, chocolates and a bunch of DVDs, all kinds of goodies.  A really exciting thing I got was an electric hot plate that I'm super excited to try out.  I was thinking about buying one as a way to help conserve my electricity use and then I got one for Christmas!  Yay!


The little Victrola got a workout

As we complete the final week of 2022 I hope you are doing well and feeling fulfilled.  Take good care of yourselves my friends, count your blessings, thank God and let's finish this year out with a bang, shall we?  I'm excited for all the possibilities ahead in 2023.  Mostly, I am grateful to all of the wonderful people I've had the privilege to meet through all the years of blogging.  We are truly a special bunch.

And the winner of the cookbook is Lori.  Email me your address my dear and I'll get this sent out to you next week.  Congratulations!  Have you guys signed up for Happy Mail yet?



  1. I'm glad you had such a lovey holiday. And how exciting I won! Thank you. I will be emailing you. Enjoy the rest of this holiday week!!

  2. So proud you had such a nice Christmas 🎄. We had a low key one also. Lovely dinner and topped the day off with Christmas movies.
    Congrats Lori on winning the book.

  3. We also have had a low key Christmas. What a wonderful gift it is.

  4. Sounds like a lovely Christmas! Your meals sound delicious, and I'm going to have to try your shrimp pesto. That sounds so good after all the turkey this week.
    Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

  5. I’m so glad you had a great Christmas! The food looks and sounds divine! What fun gifts you got! I know you will enjoy those.


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