Friday, February 17, 2023

Swedish Death Cleaning??


For those who don't already know there is a decluttering technique called Swedish Death Cleaning.  I came across it a couple of years ago and was intrigued as it is literally preparing yourself and your home for the inevitable.  Ironically enough I had just done a big "getting your affairs in order" project with my important papers, passwords, will, etc. thinking I was so on top of things, well ahead of the game.  And then, a month later I had a mild heart attack a then two more a couple months later.  Whoa!  You just never know when life will throw you a curveball, that's for sure.


I think, no matter what our age or our current state of health and finances, it is important to keep our affairs in order, especially if we have children under the age of eighteen.  I also think it is important to leave as little mess behind for others to take care as we possibly can.  Whether it is because of an illness, infirmary, incapacity or our death I feel we need to make sure that while others are worrying (maybe freaking out) or grieving that we do as much ahead of time as we can to mitigate the impact on our loved ones.


I've cleaned out a few houses after loved ones have passed on.  I've also heard a lot of stories of people going through their parents and grandparents things trying to cope with their grief while at the same time they are coping with massive amounts of stuff.  Trying to find those important papers and not knowing what to do with the monumental task they have just inherited.  As I continually go through things in my home and scale down my possessions I keep this in the back of my mind.  I want to make things as easy as possible for the people I leave behind.


I am currently in a new stage of life.  All of my children are now out of the house and I no longer need a lot of the items I used to.  So many things that were part of our daily life are no longer relevant and I can let them go.  I want to live with less because I know it will make life much easier for me, especially as I age, but it will also make it much easier on the ones I leave behind should something happen health wise or my time comes and I croak.  Oddly enough, that helps me a lot as I make my way through my home once again on my decluttering journey.



  1. This is very kind of you. I've lost 3 parents in the past 2.5 years, sold 2 houses, and had to go through mountains of stuff. It's overwhelming and feels like it will never end. Of course no one wants to plan for death, but it's kind and considerate to think about what you will leave behind for others to deal with.

    1. Oh bless you Brooke. It is such a sad and difficult thing to do clearing out homes after a death. I agree, we need to do as much as we can to lighten that burden.

  2. Yes I have read about this. I'm in the process right now of getting all important information in a binder. As far as decluttering, it always helps me to remember as I go through things is this item needed for my current life or my future. If not, it goes. Have a wonderful Friday.

    1. Your are so right. Good job getting that binder pulled together. Cheers!

  3. I did read the book and I've seen an interview with the author at some point. Like you, I've been decluttering for a long time. We did our first massive declutter about 25y ago. Still, I wander around every few weeks and admit that item X hasn't been used in years and out it goes. FB Buy-Nothing is also a great motivator. When someone posts a need, I consider if I have that item, can I use something else. When I can gift that item., it's awesome.

    Cheers to clearing down to only what we love and use regularly!

    1. Agreed. I've off loaded quite a bit on FB. Much more to offer coming up soon!

  4. (Little Penpen) I’m definitely going to look for the book on Swedish death cleaning.

  5. I have made up a binder. Monthly Bill's, birth certificate, marriage license, life insurance, bank info. All in one neat binder. I look at it each month when I pay bills to keep it up to date with newest information.


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