Saturday, March 4, 2023

Investment Cooking - Baking Breads & Rolls


At the beginning of the year I decided with the rising prices on pretty much everything I'd implement a lot of cost cutting measures which included making my own bread products.  The cost of a loaf of low carb bread is now up to $6 a loaf, it seldom goes on sale and I haven't seen it at the dollar store lately.  Plus, if you read the ingredients list, it probably isn't all that good for me anyway.


I know that making homemade bread is a time consuming process so when I do it I usually will make a lot of it at one time and then freeze it.  I'll plan a baking day so I'm not only efficient with my time, but I also make efficient use of the oven I'm heating up.


I use a bread machine to make my dough which is a great time saver and will run two batches through it.  I will also plan out a meal like a lasagna or a sheet pan meal and some other baked goods like muffins or a pan of brownies to go into the oven between batches so I'm not wasting the oven heat.


I always make too much stuff, but that is okay because I can share it with my friends.  That is really the best part about it.  Who doesn't love a loaf of homemade bread fresh out of the oven?



  1. Do you have a low carb bread recipe?

    1. Yes!

  2. Thank you. You are the reason I went LCHF years ago.


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