Friday, April 21, 2023

Focusing On My Top Three


Recently I was asked to consider what my top three priorities are in my life outside of family, friends or even pets, just for me and me alone.  I put a lot of thought into it and kept coming back to the same three things that I value most and that add considerably to my quality of life .  In some ways it surprised me, but in others it did not.


Optimal health was first in that I wish to eat healthy, improve my physical condition, improve my mental condition, be active and just feel good on a daily basis.  In recent years it has been harder to do this than it had been prior so I am focusing more in this particular area of my life.


Creativity is one area of my life that I didn’t realize held far more importance to me than I’d ever given it credit, or time for that matter.  Tapping into my creative side has always been something I’ve put on the back burner in lieu of “more important” matters such as housekeeping, home projects, working for a living and the needs of others.  I am now actively going to work on making creativity a large priority in my life.


Adventure and travel is my next item.  Something I have dabbled in over the years when time and finances allowed it, but I am now going to make it a bigger priority and focus more attention in that direction.  I hope to get to the point where taking a trip or doing something fun is just a normal part of my everyday life rather than something I get to do on a rare occasion as it has been.


Surprisingly, I realized how my top three priorities all seem to fit within one another.  I can manage to do all three things on a regular basis and by doing them I will benefit threefold.  I can travel, see or do something new, get some exercise, eat healthy, be creative and express myself all at the same time.  With some deep thought and reflection I was able to determine what suits me best and now I can move forward to a more fulfilling life.


Take some time yourself and really think about it, or perhaps you already know.  What are you top three?  And do you give those three priorities the attention that you should?



  1. Hmmm, top 3 --
    *My faith as a Christian
    *My family - esp Husband
    *My work as a writer, historian, appraiser

    Travel and adventure kind of go into that last one -- but also the second one. Husband loves to travel, too. (Btw, if your'e in Colorado near Denver, the door is still open. We are planning a few trips ourselves, so would just need to know when.)

    1. I should've clarified, outside of my faith and the people in my life these are my top 3. LOL

      Thank you for the invite. I will let you know. ;)

  2. My top 3 are similar: Health, Travel, Spiritual Life

  3. Love your priorities!
    I think family/relationships are one of my top priorities right now. I want to do more volunteer work; there is so much suffering in this world. And I would love to do more travel/adventures as we haven't done much lately due to covid, and I miss it. I so want to take a cross country trip and see the canyonlands etc.


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