Monday, April 24, 2023

My Tireless Retirement - Week 55


Hello, hello everyone!  I hope you are doing well and enjoying some spring weather where you live.  It has been a little wet, gray and cloudy here, but the temperatures are warming up a bit and I’m finally seeing some buds and the start of leaves on some of the trees.  My tulips still have not bloomed but they are getting bigger and I see the rhubarb is poking up from the ground now.

Last week I was busy as ever.  I am once again in full decluttering mode as I am now making another full pass through my house and unbelievably I keep finding things!  How did I miss this stuff the first time around let alone the fourth?  Just crazy!  But this time around I’m also being a little more ruthless in that I’m seriously looking at things and evaluating whether or not I really need to hang onto it and the likelihood of it being used.  Lots of reality checks, to be sure.


One of the things I’d been wrestling with was keeping my Christmas china.  It takes up a lot of space for something that gets used once a year and last year I didn’t really use it.  It is also heavy and there are a lot of pieces.  I am blessed to have my grandmother’s china and in all honesty I’d much rather use that for special occasions.  I let it go.  I’m super happy with who it ended up with, a young couple just starting out.  Tough decision for me, my hardest so far, but I knew it was the right thing to do.  I am now on the hunt for four Corelle lunch sized plates in the Holly Day pattern.  That will suit me just fine.


I'd like to find four of these lunch plates

I finally pulled out a new copy of my quarterly housekeeping checklist and got started.  I’m three weeks behind on starting it, but I should catch up fairly quickly without too much trouble.  After so much decluttering it definitely does make my housekeeping routines even easier.  Bonus!


I did some crafting in Laverne 😃

Has spring managed to make an appearance where you live?  Is anyone planning to plant a garden?  I personally am on the fence about a vegetable garden this year.  I’m actually thinking about a complete revamp of the garden area in the backyard.  Do I want to take that on?  Not quite sure about that at the moment.





  1. Won't you miss your garden if you skip it this year? I've been simplifying mine for the past few years which isn't all that hard because we have a very small lot in a flood zone. Most trees and bushes die here. But I still get the itch to plant the little veggie garden, and it is way easier than grass. I'm a little lazy so I use straw mulch and compost to control the weeds and improve the soil. I am trying bokashi composting to deal with yard, paper and kitchen waste. It is supposed to work faster. so maybe I won't have that big pile in the yard. that I have to keep the dog away from. LOL. Your determination to declutter and live simply is inspiring. I'm doing it as much as I can too without annoying the family.

    1. I don't think I will mainly because I SUCK at gardening. LOL

  2. Are you getting ready to move with all of your cleaning out of many items? Do your girls plan to move back home for a time during the summer or after they graduate from college? That happened to us with all of our kids until they got established and got on their own. Diane

    1. I am getting rid of things I no longer need, want or use. :)

  3. I recently got rid of my China. Never used it, just sit in cabinet. Been a few months, no regrets.
    Hope you find the Holly dishes.
    Decluttering... never ends. 😆 im going back through. Finding lots more. Feels so good. Ty for posting your decluttering. Very encouraging.

    1. So far I've not felt any remorse for letting it go. We'll see how I feel come Christmas time. I agree, decluttering is never ending. :)


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