Friday, May 5, 2023

Flowers & Yard Plans


April showers bring May flowers – finally!  I’m thrilled that spring has finally arrived and the overnight temperatures are such that I can safely consider adding new flowers to my yard and contemplate a garden.  Still on the fence as to whether I want to plant a vegetable garden this year, but regardless I’m ready to give the very back of my yard a long overdue makeover.


Last year I embarked on a mission to completely re-landscape my entire yard from the curb at the street all the way back to my backyard fence line.  I almost made it too.  By October I had made it to the end of the deck before the weather changed and to be honest I had pooped out.  So close, but that’s okay.  We’ll get it done this year and it is going to look amazing.


I want to rebuild and reconfigure the raised garden beds, had some nice walking space, rebuild and possible relocate the compost bin, landscape around the chicken coop as well as the deck, and add more gravel and mulch throughout everything.  That’s a pretty good list.


So far I’ve planted all of my flower pots and hanging baskets including the galvanized bucket I’ve got hanging from a hook on the chicken coop.  I’ve added a few new perennials to the large main flowerbed and annuals as well.  I’m so happy with how many plants survived the winter and are springing back to life.


How about you?  Do you have any yard or gardening plans this year?



  1. I am removing dozens of large double and fabulously fragrant daffodils someone gifted me with (possibly replacing them with short Tenby daffodils). The doubles always get shredded & knocked down by the wind so I don't enjoy them. Where are the bees this year? My berries are all flowering but I don't se any bees.... Dee/NY

    1. Where are the bees? Overuse of chemicals has caused their demise as well as loss of habitat. Go organic ASAP. Plant bright yellow and purple. They will find you and they will live with you.

  2. I have always grown organic. Thanks.

  3. I haven't started actively gardening yet - but once out in it I start conjuring up these big plans that may or may not get done. It's all fun though...

  4. Your yard looks so pretty! One of my birdbaths is very similar to yours, with that raised center. The birds like it best of all; maybe the raised area feels safer to them? That reminds me, I better go scrub mine out with some vinegar! Thanks for sharing your landscaping triumphs with us!


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