Friday, May 19, 2023

I Planted A Garden


I’m the first to admit, I am not a great gardener.  I want to be, I’ve had some small successes in the past, but overall, not so much.  I was thinking this year I wouldn’t even bother, just take the year off or maybe abandon gardening altogether, but I have the desire and it is something I really do want to be somewhat successful at.  I put a lot of effort into my flowerbeds and recently I’ve done really well with that so I know I can become a gardener too.  Maybe not the greatest gardener, but a gardener nonetheless.


Roma tomatoes

One of the things that really convinced me to give it a go this year was when I was replacing the garden beds and digging up the old soil it was loaded, I mean loaded, with big fat earthworms.  All of the soil amendments I had added the past two years were finally paying off.  Prior to, the soil in my yard was horrible, I couldn’t even successfully grow grass.  Weeds yes, no problem, but a decent lawn was a whole other matter.  I do know that the quality of the soil in my garden beds was not helping me to become a good gardener at all.


A nice variety of peppers

I do believe I owe the current state of the soil in my entire yard and garden area to my chickens and a very cute little bunny.  I’m telling you, if you want to turn your soil around, adopt a bunny.  I had read that bunny manure worked miracles so we put it to the test.  While I was recuperating in 2021 we dumped all of the bunny pellets into the yard, flowerbeds, under the trees and into the compost bin.  Last year I did the same, turning it all into the soil and the earthworms came!


The start of my little herb garden
Cilantro for my very helpful little bunny

The soil is rich, black and fluffy now so I am hopeful for a decent result this year.  I also cheated a bunch and bought almost all of my vegetable starts from a nursery instead of growing them from seed.  I picked up tomatoes, a variety of peppers and some herbs.  I also added marigolds to the front of the tomato beds to attract pollinators.  I bought brand new zucchini and pickling cucumber seeds to plant directly into the garden and got rid of all my old seeds so I am completely starting over.  And I’m going small this, not trying to plant everything or a lot of everything, just a little bit at a time to see how it goes.  Then next year I may do a little bit more, who knows?


Cucumbers in the middle section

I will be sure to update you on my progress as the summer continues.  Right now I feel like I’m off to a good start and I’m hopeful.  Now to sit back and see what happens.  Have you planted your garden yet?



  1. The Michigan State University Extension says,

    "Rabbit manure has four times more nutrients than cow or horse manure and is twice as rich as chicken manure. Cow, horse and chicken manure are considered “hot” and need to be composted (well-rotted) to use as fertilizers.
    One of the best things about rabbit manure is it doesn’t need to be composted.
    Rabbit manure is organic matter and improves poor soil structure, drainage and moisture retention. It improves the life cycle of microorganisms in the soil.
    Worms love rabbit manure."

    So that's why you found so many worms--apparently "rabbit raisins" are fine dining, indeed! LOL! And because they are so small, it seems like you could scatter them directly on the lawn to fertilize. Gosh, now I need to find some bunny manure near me!

  2. My Dad didn’t depend on pollinators for the tomatoes. Tomatoes can self pollinate if you give them a hand by “tickling” the tomatoe flowers. When the plant starts to blossom, give it a gentle shake.

  3. Good luck to you! I am not a gardener, but I keep trying to grow something. Everything is against me here. Frost and animals are the biggest problem, but we also get very little rain, and the soil is bad.

    1. Sounds like my past experiences. I planted strawberries one year and the squirrels kept pulling them out of the ground, little brats. ;)

  4. Best wishes on your garden. I think it will do great this year. Getting the soil right will help. Your yard and garden is looking good.
    My husband is the gardener/ I do the flowers. Love it.


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