Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Garden Update At 6 Weeks


It took me exactly one year of steady hard work to completely re-landscape my entire yard from the curb at the street all the way to my backyard fence line.  I literally started with a blank slate after I tore out the lawn and removed my previous attempts over the years.  I removed yards of plastic lawn edging and rotten wood, enlarged and connected my old flowerbeds, added tons of homemade compost replanted, added bark mulch and new rock borders and filled in a large gravel walkway.  I even added a patch of faux grass.


New garden beds ready for planting at the beginning of May

The bulk of this project took place from spring to fall in 2022 and was completed this spring when I removed years of accumulated junk as well as the old raised garden beds.  I replaced my raised beds with corrugated steel panels I purchased on Amazon and filled them up with amended soil and some less than stellar purchased soil from Home Depot.  Then I got busy and planted my garden.


My tomato patch

Cherry tomatoes

My whole yard has become one big garden and I absolutely love it.  I love to go outside and putter in my lovely garden, pulling weeds, trimming bushes, admiring all of the pretty flowers and giving them water.  My little raised bed vegetable garden is my latest creation and it is doing amazingly well in spite of me and my black thumb.


Peppers & herbs

Cucumbers & dill planted from seed

I have tomatoes on my plants now, buds on my pepper plants, I’ve harvested quite a bit of cilantro and my zucchini are starting to get big.  I’ve got dill coming up amongst the cucumbers for what I hope will be a few quarts of homemade dill pickles.  If my zucchini plants pan out I’m hoping for a batch of sweet relish to add to my pantry.


Zucchini planted from seed

Blueberry bushes planted around the pear tree

Have any of you planted a garden this year?  How is it going?  What are your plans for the things you are growing?




  1. It is pathetic to say this -- but my beans finally came up! It has been so cold and rainy here that any seeds in the ground...just sat there. Now we're getting warm weather again.
    I put in squash and beans -- but will have to cover the beans because the deer like them just as much as we do. The stinkers.

    1. Hasn't the weather been weird this year? I have squirrels that think what's mine is also theirs. They even pick my flowers!

  2. Your garden is doing great. All I have planted is potatoes, and we’ve had frost 2 nites in a row, so they are really suffering. It has rained almost every day for 5 weeks, with no end in sight. I’m basically throwing in the towel this year with gardening. When it finally stops raining we will jump right into hot, so it will be too late for early stuff, and not enough time for summer crops. We get frost around September 1st.


    1. Our weather patterns have been rather strange this year. I'd be happy to avoid the scorching triple digits, but it is hard to say. I hope you do get something from your garden this year.

  3. Yes, I am in Ms, so we are almost at the point of harvesting,and putting veggies away. (And eating alot of it!) 😋
    I had catarac surgery, so Hubby is doing garden.
    I will be the one to put it up.
    He planted tomatoes, corn, butterbeans, potatoes, squash,bell pepper.
    We had first 🍅 yesterday. 😋

    1. Wow! Fantastic! Enjoy all of that fresh produce and I wish you all the best in healing from your surgery.

  4. Your garden looks great! I'm glad the new beds are working out well. I'll have to see if I can get myself some for next year.
    I planted tomatoes, I do love garden fresh tomatoes. I have some pole beans and cucumbers and zucchini. Trying to grow corn, but I've never had much luck. Strange thing, my zucchini are covered with blooms but nary a squash on them. I'm guessing I only have male or female flowers? But as long as I have tomatoes, I will be happy.


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