Saturday, November 18, 2023

Winterizing The Garden Beds & Planting Garlic


Last weekend I managed to get outside and finish up the last of the work I had planned to do in garden.  A couple weeks ago I had spread a bunch of rabbit manure and all of the chicken bedding when I cleaned out the coop and got it winter ready plus all of the leaves from the catalpa tree that had fallen in the backyard.  The soil in two of the beds was pretty good but there is always room for improvement so I wanted to make sure I got plenty of good amendments added to these beds.


I dumped all the soil out of the flowerpots into this bed

I plan to get some new soil for the pots next spring

The soil in the third bed along the deck left a lot to be desired as it was mostly store bought crap from Home Depot so I emptied all of the soil from my flowerpots and added lots of bunny and chicken goodness.  With the fallen leaves that had landed on top of all of that I went ahead and turned it all over and raked it smooth to rest through the winter.  Come on earth worms!


I planted four rows of garlic here

Make me more compost ladies!

After doing the same thing in beds one and two I planted four rows of garlic where I had planted the cilantro last spring in bed one.  I had to wait a few extra weeks for the weather to cool down and we got a couple good frosts so I didn’t have my garlic sprouting ahead of time.  Now that it is planted I can sit back and wait to see it pop up sometime next spring.  Wish me luck.  This is the first time I’ve ever planted garlic.  I understand it is a heavy feeder so it should enjoy all of the good bunny manure that I added to that area.  As time goes on I’ll be adding more.


I planted daffodil bulbs

I feel really good getting this all checked off my list, so good in fact that I ended up planting a dozen daffodil bulbs in the big flower bed.  I can hardly wait to look out my kitchen window next spring and see them coming up.  I’ve wanted daffodils in my flowerbeds for ages and now I finally will have some.  I can hardly wait!


Looking pretty good back here

I don’t know about you, but I’ve already got loads of garden plans swirling around in my noggin.  I’m hoping to get a warming pad and start some seeds in March, mainly tomato and pepper plants.  I’ve already collected quite a few packets of seeds for next year and I’ve got some ideas for expanding my growing space.  Come spring I should be plenty busy outside in my yard.  I’m super excited!



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