Friday, January 26, 2024

Being Present


One of the things I really worked on last year was to be present in the moment.  Taking each day as it comes rather than consuming myself with “what about tomorrow and the day after that?”  Instead I focus my energy on today with merely a glance at the next day.  My long term plans only extend into next week, maybe next month, but not much farther than that.  And the plans I do make are rather loosely made, no longer a must.


I’ve long viewed life as a pie and we are each given a slice of it.  It is our job to mind our piece of pie and take care of it to the very best of our ability.  Then once we have our slice secure and well preserved we can venture out and assist others in minding their own slice, but we should never take it over.  Eventually, some can no longer mind their slice of pie (such as an elderly parent) so we simply bring them in and incorporate them into our slice and theirs is no longer required.  Sometimes we get too busy looking at how others manage their slice that we forget about our own and it begins to deteriorate, however if we each mind our slice and take really good care of it then the whole pie is secure.  By beginning our work at home we have the ability to make our world better.


My slice of pie includes me being the best me I can be.  I need to be kind, thoughtful, productive, happy and content.  I need to be healthy in mind, body and spirit.  I need to be safe and secure.  I need to be loved, fulfilled and supported.  I focus on these needs each and every day.  With my slice of pie well cared for I am able to reach out and assist others adding a greater dimension to my life.


I cannot tell you how much this has helped me and contributed to my overall happiness and wellbeing.  I no longer feel the weight of the world on my shoulders or the anxiety of what goes on outside so much.  I’m aware of it, but I don’t allow it to impact me like I used to.  My focus is on right now, what is in front of me.  Minute by minute, hour by hour, one day at a time.  Being present.



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