Friday, January 19, 2024

My Home Canning Wishlist For 2024


As you can see my canning list isn’t overly lengthy, but I do think I’ve got some good items on it for this year.  I really do enjoy the process of canning my own food and knowing exactly what is in each jar.  I find it is extremely convenient to have meats, beans (legumes) and soups on the shelf ready to go as it makes for really quick and easy meal preparation.  My own readymade meals or components for meals are really helpful as well.  That will be the main focus of my canning endeavors this year.


Hopefully I will be successful in the garden this summer so I can add some more tomato sauce and I’d love to do up some pickles.  Perhaps the squirrels will be kind enough to leave me some pears on my tree this year as well.  A late frost last year meant there was only one apple on my tree and amazingly they left that alone.  It was a good one too.


This year I may venture out to some farmers markets or an orchard to acquire some produce to can, but I haven’t decided yet.  If nothing else it would make for a fun adventure so I just might do that.  I’m trying to do more for myself this year and buy fewer canned goods at the stores.  I think it costs less, is better quality and as I said, I know what is in the jar.  What is on your list this year?



  1. Please tell me what electric canner do you have to pressure can food. I really enjoy your blog and have read it for several years. Very informative.

    1. Thanks so much!

      Here is the post about my pressure canner:

  2. I always try to grow what isn't readily available at our local farmers market. I have my favorite local farmer that I have bought from for years. He uses no pesticides and old world ways of growing so I like to support him.

    1. I need to do some more research and find myself a better avenue for local produce.

  3. I pressured canned a lot last year. I have an All American that I do love but am thinking of getting the electric for more ease of canning. what we've used the most is canned beans and soups. i did quite a few meat items like beef stew but it seems we use/like the vegetable soups,like lentil ,black bean a bit better. I'm reevaluating my pantry this month as to what I want to do in the coming months. It does save money but it's the convenience for me that really counts.

    1. It is super handy to be able to pop open a jar and just heat up a quick meal whenever you are tired or busy.


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