Wednesday, March 13, 2024

NO Bad Days


How can we go through life with no bad days?  Is it even possible?  Sometimes things happen that are beyond our control.  Sometimes awful things happen.  Is this idea even tangible?  I believe that it is.


In 2023 I made a choice and committed myself to having no bad days with no idea if it was even possible, but I was willing to try.  As of today, I’m still going strong.  The really neat thing about all of this is that the person I used to be is not the same person that I am now.  I’m a much better version of myself.


To say this goal has been life changing would be an understatement.  I am happier.  I am far more content.  I have a far brighter outlook on life in general.  I worry less.  I don’t suffer from the effects of stress.  I rarely experience anxiety and if I do it is mild and short lived.  Making decisions has become easier.  My mind is clearer.  I make better choices.  I feel better.


If we are open to seeing the good and focus less on the bad it is much easier to navigate our day.  Instead of focusing on what is wrong with a situation, I focus on what is right.  By developing new habits and new ways of looking at things our attitude will change.  Our perspective begins to change.  We start to see things differently.  We begin to feel differently too.


On the whole life can be overwhelming.  Sometimes it feels” too hard”.  I know.  I’ve been there, but not anymore.  Now, I take each day as it comes.  Just one day at a time.  Life doesn’t need to be taken on all at once.  By breaking it down into smaller pieces, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, life becomes more manageable.  By changing my attitude each day becomes better.  No bad days.




  1. I love your attitude and spirit! I learned a phrase from a wonderful blogger that I adopted as my mantra:
    "Doing damns the darkness"
    If I just start doing things--anything--I start to feel better and better. I become active, productive. It doesn't have to be productive tasks, either. If I just go out and sit on the steps with a cup of coffee and enjoy the fresh air, I will start to feel better. Maybe I'll turn it into a quick walk around the block. By doing, I feel more energized, more connected, and more appreciative of this beautiful world and good life I have.

    It's very important to note that cleaning the refrigerator or oven is NOT a thing to try "doing." Save the tough "doing" for when you're already full of pep and ambition! LOL!

    1. LOL! I agree about the oven and fridge. Doing things makes a huge difference whenever we struggle. I agree with you completely. Thanks Sue for sharing this.

  2. I agree with this 99%, but I still have those 1% days where grief takes hold of me and I wouldn't call it a good day. Thankfully, those days are getting fewer and far between. And I did read somewhere recently that mostly happiness is you telling yourself and your brain that you are happy. More research needed on my part...

    1. Grief has a way of showing up when you least expect it. I still struggle at times myself and I give in and feel it, but fortunately I'm still able to find something good about my day and that helps so much. You feel that grief whenever you need to. He was a HUGE part of your life and you miss him. You've got this!

  3. This is what I need to work on. I can be a glass half empty person🫤


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