Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Writing Your Story – Start With You


In the classes I am teaching at the senior center I am helping people to write their stories and get them down on paper.  It is something they have the desire to do, but often find it difficult to get started.  The overall task, especially for someone that hasn’t done a lot of writing, can seem overwhelming to the point that they can’t even get that first word down on paper.  To get them started I tell them to “start with you”.


You are the one person in the world that you know the best.  You’ve been together 24/7 and have gone through good times and bad.  Of all the people in the world you are the one who truly knows your secrets, your desires, your hope and dreams, your aspirations.  You had a front row seat in your life all along.  Only you can tell your story and get it right.


There is no right or wrong way to tell your story because it’s your story.  However you choose to do it is completely fine.  Whether you write it down on paper in a composition book or a notebook or you choose to hammer it out on the computer and print it out it doesn’t matter.  What matters is that you do it.


Talk about fond memories

I suggest they find a baby picture and write what they know about the day they were born – name, place of birth, time, weight and length, city they lived in, hospital information, anything they know or were told about.  Once they have that down they can expand from there.  Add in you earliest memories, favorite toys or activities.  Favorite books, your siblings, friends or cousins you played with, sports or activities you participated in.  First day of school.  By this time they are on a roll and ready to go.  Wherever that leads is completely up to them.  Talk about parents or grandparents or your first love.  College days or military service.  Did you get married and the details of the engagement, the wedding, where they went on their honeymoon, their first home.  Then perhaps move onto your children and how you chose to raise them.  Embellish with stories of their upbringing and their silly antics.  What did you love most about each child?  What made you proud?


Tell the stories behind all of those photos you have

While we may not think the details of our life are all that particularly interesting I can tell you they are and they will be.  Right now your family may not be seem interested (or maybe they are), but down the line your grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-greatchildren will be.  By reading your story they’ll be able to have those conversations with you that you are no longer around to have with them in person.  You will leave them a legacy.  Your story is important.  Write it down.



  1. I really like this idea. I have always wanted to journal and this may just get me started. Thank you so much for your delightful Blog

  2. Excellent idea!


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