Friday, June 21, 2024

I Did Something…


Yes I did!  I got myself a Costco membership.  It has been well over fifteen years at least since I’ve last held a membership.  And this time I went all in with the executive membership and their rewards credit card.  So why now?  Well, I came up with several reasons as to why it would be prudent to get one now.


A couple months ago I got a postcard offer in the mail from Costco asking me to “come back”.  I did a lot of thinking about this before I pulled the trigger because, let’s face it, this is not an inexpensive membership.  And.  I don’t do a lot of shopping.  So I made a list of all the things I would do at Costco if I had membership and much to my surprised it was a rather lengthy one.


This year I need to replace my eyeglasses and to do this at my current eye doctor’s office including the eye exam would cost me a whopping $1000 assuming I reused my eyeglass frames!  What the freak!  That’s a lot of money!  I can accomplish this for less than half the amount at Costco.  This alone makes the membership worth it right off the bat.


I remember in the past liking their clothing and finding what they had to offer to be a good value for the money.  I want to add a few pieces to my wardrobe this year.  My last trip to the mall gave me a good idea of what I’d need to spend on clothing as I don’t particularly care to buy my clothes at places like Target or Wal-Mart.  Prices have gone up a lot, but the quality isn’t quite what it used to be in my opinion.


I’m looking to replace the tires on my truck this year.  Costco’s tire prices are hard to beat.  Their pharmacy and over the counter medication/vitamin section is extensive.  They have better prices on dairy products that I use on a regular basis like cream for my coffee and cheeses.  I’d like to purchase better quality produce and meats.  They have larger bags of good quality cat food for a better price.  I want to explore their travel services.  Fuel price is the lowest in town.  Rotisserie chicken (need I say more?)!


This is totally a want item

The postcard offer included a $40 gift card to use for any shopping I end up doing so that theoretically lowers the overall cost of the membership.  After one year if I do not end up purchasing enough products to get a cash back check sent to me large enough to cover the cost of the membership Costco will “pay me back” the difference and give me a free one year basic membership.  This makes me feel like I am trying this out pretty much risk free.  I also think the rewards points on the Costco credit card are actually better than my current credit card.  We shall see.


So I did come up with some really good reasons why it would be a good idea to try out a Costco membership?  I do believe that I have and  I think I’ll make out okay, but the only way to know for sure is to try it.



  1. For years I kept thinking I really needed a Costco membership - with four kids - but I never did it. No idea why. I should look into it now, for all of the reasons you mentioned above!

  2. I think you covered all the best reasons to have a Costco membership! We have one just for the two of us, and we find it saves a lot of money. These days I buy most my clothes at Costco, mostly when they go on clearance. My most exciting find recently has been 2 lb bags of scallops for $28. I’ve bought 3 of them lol. I usually buy them at Safeway and they are $23 a lb. We also like the chicken pieces better than any other, so even tho I could get them cheaper at Safeway on sale, I buy Costco because they taste better.
    Ok, I won’t list more things I buy at Costco but just know it’s quite a bit lol.

    1. I think I'll use it a lot. I really do like the quality of the products they carry.

  3. $1000.00 for new glasses?!? I am speechless!

  4. I like the way you've thought this out. I think you've made a wise decision. I wish we had a Costco nearby, but sadly, we don't. We do have a Sam's membership and have been members for almost three years now. We only get to go to the store about twice a year, but the free shipping on everything we buy makes it so worth it for us.

    1. We had a Sam's here, briefly. I'm not sure why they pulled out and closed it down. ??

  5. I think you came up with some really good reasons for a Costco membership! Enjoy your savings.
    When my kids were little, we lived near a Costco, and they had the best deals on diapers and detergents etc. Loved the Kirkland brand, and I wish we had a Costco close now.
    Sam's and BJ's are about 45 min away, so not really worth a membership, and we don't like them as much as Costco.

    1. Thanks Kathy. I think so too. I do like the Kirkland brand as well.

  6. That's great! I wish the Costco here sent out offers like that. I might consider it if they did.

    1. No kidding. It has turned out even better than I expected.

  7. Ooo! Sounds like membership will likely will be a very good deal for you!! I like how you shared your Costco list with us, very helpful to see it. I don’t have a membership right now,, but hmm! You’ve got me thinking that maybe I need to revisit the idea. Gift cards are awesome, but when you said rotisserie chicken, oh boy, I forgot how tasty of a deal those are! And how cool about your transit swag and the other gift cards you received too! Yay! Happy weekend!

    1. I had a really good week! Next time I go to Costco I'm going to bring home one of those chickens. Have a great weekend Teresa!

  8. We love Costo and it's basically the 2 of us retired. I have always been a bulk buyer so it fits me to buy there. A lot of what I get will last 3-6 months so If I spend $300 it's not just for one month. I think you'll like having it again.

    1. I think you are right. I'm glad I went ahead and did it.


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